իրականում այս պատմութեան մէջ մի բան էլ ա հետաքրքրաշարժ։
այն ա որ greenhost֊ը փաստօրէն ֆինանսաւորուել ա ամն կառավարութեան կողմից։ ու հիմա այդ ֆինանսաւորումը հարցի տակ ա։
գրինհոստը յայտնի ա որպէս հոստինգ նրանց համար, ով վախենում ա գրաքննութիւնից, եւ իր երկրի կառավարական անիւներից՝ երկիրը կարող ա լրագրողին հռչակել տեռորիստ, եւ ինտերպոլով փորձել գտնել, թէ ով ա գրում ինչ֊որ բան։ գրինհոստը հէնց այդ տեսակի խնդիրներն էր լուծում։
#ազատութիւն #սովետ #սովէտ #համացանց #ամերիկայի_ձայնը #ազատութիւն_ռադիոկայան #ռադիո #ռադիօ
@{ inky, from the tape ; tanakian@spyurk.am} 7/1/2020, 9:50:24 PM
i don’t know, i understand that government funded institutions are often not really efficient. I understand that. I understand that may be there is an intent to save money.
and this i a petition i just signed: https://saveinternetfreedom.tech/
#freedom #internet #petition
i understand: using apple is like being in an unhealthy relationship with an abusive person. you cannot leave it because it’s so beautiful, but it keeps humiliating you. #apple #bdsm #freedom
this guy publishes photos from hong kong՝ https://www.flickr.com/photos/n_ipper/ #photography #hongkong #hongkongstrong #hongkongprotests #watermovement #freedom #2019 #networkofnow
It’s such a big deal that I really don’t know what the heck are features like “port to GTK3”, “improve animation features” and such doing in front of it in the roadmap pointed out by /u/eXoRainbow. I wished the GIMP guys could hear of this. I’d tell them that the Layers box (or an eventual nodes view) is almost as important as the viewport itself.
#linux #gimp #open-source #open_source #freedom #nondestructive #non_destructive #feature #gtk #competition
wow such a nice video about one decisive fragment of armenian history
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d4FHivSplU #armenia #history #persia #empire #politics #freedom
#artsakh #freedom
by the way, you don’t get that it is not really fare that palestine gets a lot of attention, but artsakh(nagorno-karabakh) problem does not, and those who managed to not be expelled or killed, are now considered occupants just because they were able to stay alive and not become refugees. if they would become refugees, the international community, and people like you would say that “it’s very sad”, but now, when these people, well some of them, managed to live with dignity already more than 20 years, well, by paying with lives of many, of course, but live where they used to, now some think that this gives them right to tell that “these barbarians are killing each other”, which is actually very imperialistic thinking, but clearly, these people would not live there if not the failure to expell them because of the armenian resistance. and armenia does not get sanctions from the international community, because everybody knows the truth - there would be no single armenian in artsakh, if they would not defend themselves. and yes, if we would not help them.
actually, i really understand the importance of not changing the borders. because that could kindle the war, and many could be killed. so i am the first, seriously, who thinks, that changing the borders even on post soviet space, where those borders were drawn by colonial administration without taking in consideration what’s “fair” but because of their short term political interests, let’s say good relationships of early bolsheviks with turkey, and trading armenian land (i mean the actual republic of armenia, not some historical, virtual land) for the port cities (batumi), so still i think that changing borders is a very bad idea. but! when there is a choice - you don’t change the borders, and people live peacefully, even discriminated, but in peace, then let’s keep borders, bad peace is better than war.
but when people anyway get exterminated, then you don’t have peace anyway. whether you fight, or you die/leave without it. and i mean really exterminated, not like in crimea, where nobody had a danger of being even expelled. (well now tatars and ukrainians have that danger). i am already used to participate discussions why crimea and artsakh cases are absolutely different, but that will be too much for you. anyway this post won’t get much attention.
and yes, this is very important to me and each and every armenian, not because those are armenians, or we dream of an expansion, or “armenia from sea to sea”, there are armenians in georgia, and guess what, they live, well, sometimes get discriminated, but still, nobody exterminates them, and such a surprise, nobody said that armenia occupied parts of georgia, right? while i know, that during the russian-georgian war russia tried to ignite armenian-georgian conflict. i cannot prove that, but military people who knew, told me, - so this is important to each of us not because of imperialism we cannot actually afford, but because anyone has a friend or relative in artsakh. just anyone. when you know someone, you feel their pain, and you can identify with them as well. they always were, and are a part of our society. they were coming to study to armenia, they were working here, and though soviet azerbaijan made everything that there would be no feasible physical connection - for instance no real road from artsakh to armenia, but it was impossible to cut the connections that way. and when you know your friend’s sister or brother is under the fire, it’s very influential, you cannot be indifferent. it does not matter that’s not your sister. that’s too close to not care deeply.
i strongly believe there are cases, when you need to pay, but stay with dignity. let’s say, you are in a country where you can be punished for what you say, no free speech. first they burn your car, then they put you to jail. or you go to the political rally, and they catch you. that does not mean that you don’t have to go to the rally. that means that when you want to live with dignity, it means, you go to the rally, and you know you can end up in jail. that’s what you have to pay. it’s inevitable. otherwise you don’t respect yourself. so to me this is similar. they tried to eliminate the population, first by the help of soviet army, then by themselves. they failed miserably. now they sold a lot of oil and have a lot of military power, got a lot of arms from our “strategic partner and alley” called russia, and the military budget of their country exceeds the whole budget of armenia. we already paid by the years of blockade, huge emigration, stagnating economics. but that’s the price, when you have hostages. and we have hostages there, in artsakh, actually. that’s not a pleasure. nobody feels that we are occupants, we feel that we have people who live under constant threat. and one year ago, during 4-6 days war, that got confirmed. azeri army entered the villages, they could manage to, and killed, cut years, the elderly people who could not leave. the whole rhetoric of their media was along the lines of “armenians run from karabakh, it’s our land”, and after that they want to use all their resources to make us leave artsakh alone, to get control over it by using international community and the law. well that’s very nice. so we do not feel occupants, we feel like someone who has close hostages would feel. i don’t even talk about people who live in other places near the border, not necessarily in artsakh. or actually any of us could go to war at any moment, we know that. we are not happy about that. just it is what it is.
#armenia #artsakh #karabakh #freedom
omg, Belarus Extradites Russian Israeli Blogger To Azerbaijan. for visiting Artsakh.
that’s that guy, i follow him on livejournal. these are his posts about Armenia (and Artsakh) - reason for being arrested. interesting, so even Israel was not able to get him free.
#artsakh #lapshin #puerrtto #blogger #belarus #azerbaijan #freedom
During and after wwii many ethnic germans were expelled: firsly, afaik from Baltian countries, as a result of Stalin/Hitler agreement (division of Poland, Baltia…) and later also from Poland, Chekhoslovakia.
To describe these people in FRG the word ‘vertriebene’ (expelled) have been used. While in GDR the word was ‘umsiedler’ (resettled).
#politics #words #german #language #expell #resettle #vertriebene #umsiedler #freedom
Diaspora differs from Facebook or Google in the same way, as free market differs from central planning.
#diaspora #facebook #google #central_planning #free_market #freedom
There is this concept of ‘wilderness’. When Moses took Jews out of the slavery, on the way to their own country, they had this transition period called ‘wilderness’.
This is the time when they were wandering and wondering what’s so cool in being free, because they felt they lived better lives with free food and less suffering back in Egypt.
I think when we care about our freedom, we loose a lot of opportunities. Among them - opportunities to socialize at centralized social networks, to be flattered there, opportunities to gain friends, opportunities to use web services to convert files or edit pictures, etc. And people wonder if they did not loose freedoms, instead of gaining them.
To me that is very similar to the transition period Jews had in a desert. So we are in the wilderness. We are wilderness wanderers in search of freedom.
#wilderness #freedom #decentralization #slavery #moses #history #bible #wilderness_wandering #wander #wandering
The whole world does not contain such wealth or such fine lands that we would accept them in payment to join Persia and enslave Greece. So much forbids us, and not least the burning of the temples and the statues of our gods, now nothing bu dust and debris. To avenge such violation, not to clasp the hands of those who did it, is our duty. It would be shameful to betray the Greeks, our people, united in one blood, one language, in our temples and our rituals, our common customs. So, know this: as long as there is one Athenian left on this earth alive, we shell never make peace with Xerxes.
I believe this is very touchy. Since the time when money, trade and wealth were ‘invented’ people did already know that the most important things in life cannot be traded. There are things that matter more than money.
#dignity #freedom
I think, that GPLv3 is a license for which there came historical necessity.
Some people do not want their code to be used to lock devices. These people need a corresponding license.
And, I think that there is a historical necessity for the license, which does not allow to use the software by/for dictatorships/authoritarian regimes.
Because there might be someone who do not want let’s say his software to be used in order to prepare lists of political prisoners. I would not want to help even a soft regime.
The question which comes, then, who/how to decide which regime is authoritarian, which is dictatorship. Should the license contain direct pointers to the number of countries, or to refer to other organization’s assessments.
#software #free_software #open_sourge #gpl #license #code #regime #dictatorship #freedom
It is often said that the government is not able to use money/resources efficiently. As efficient as private entrepreneurs can. Well, I agree.
However recently I’ve seen a couple of proprietary software projects, which were closed by the authors. You cannot download the mobile application. There is no website. It’s over.
And I have thought about community projects, collaborative projects. It looks like sometimes community projects can be even more efficient, because(if) they have no(limited) means to earn money. They decrease expenses as much as possible, and design software accordingly. And they can be more sustainable, though they have no income. Of course it depends on the community size. Number of speakers of the technology. (:
An example? Consider failed social network start-up. Now consider Diaspora. Social network start-up had to pay a lot for servers and infrastructure. Keep a space, and developers. Diaspora is hosted in different places, even on cheap one board computers. That’s about design and efficiency. Of course it has problems, and the development is not that fast as desirable. But the project is very efficient in some aspects.
#design #efficiency #free_software #software #diaspora #social_network #web #freedom #technology #sustainability
Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev, BBC News, February 2012.
#armenia #azerbaijan #aliyev #armenians #enemies #peace #war #nkpeace #nkfreedom #nagorno-karabakh #artsakh #bbc #freedom
this is how many of you, diasporians, harm me, and other people of so called “third countries”.
so, we here, in our third countries, also want to move forward towards, as Michio Kaku put this, type 1 civilization. not backwards.
there are a lot of people in power, who wants us to go back to medieval ages. one of their main instruments is religion, when they bind it to the government. does not matter if this is written on paper, it practically occurs.
now, obviously, we don’t want to go there. we want to move toward future, and we have a lot of problems to solve on the way, which you already solved. for example, we have to establish working democracy.
it’s not easy, and you do impede us, most of you, probably unconsciously. you don’t understand whom you serving to. some of you, may be, on purpose.
so, yes, your countries are also corrupted. and democracy in your countries certainly has flows. every system has. you are worried by that. that’s good.
however, when we say about our problems, about our corruption, about corruption in russia, which exports it to territories it tries to control you defend putin.
you say very important thing - “it’s a same way in the west”.
and by doing that, you don’t only devalue achievements of your society, this is exactly what our government tells us, when we try to fight for the better system. they say - “there is no democracy anywhere in the world. it’s not a democracy in the west, so you don’t have to struggle for that. just accept us and let us rob and rape you”.
now i must explain to you, as if you were kids. sorry for that. yes, you also have corruption. of course you have. yes you also have a lot of problems. i see them. i understand you. but that’s another level of problems. you don’t get it.
you see, Obama will leave. Obama won’t do anything to stay third time. You say it does not matter. No, it matters. You don’t get that it matters. It’s not the same as having forever ruler -tsar, khan, whatever you call it. there are so many other differences - in how police works, and how court system implemented, how civil society works, that you don’t see.
without going in to details, what matters is:
when we have corruption, it defines our countries. corruption is the face of our countries.
it happens in the west, but it does not define west. it’s not a face. it happens.
when we have government outrage, it’s a norm. when you have that, it’s not a norm. it’s a problem you raise and often manage to solve. we almost never able to do that.
so yes you have problems, but it’s completely another level of problems.
and when you say - it’s the same, you basically support our corrupted government. they even refer to you in order to control us better.
it’s not the same when the system has flows, and when the system is purulent throughout.
when A robs and rapes and steals every day, when it’s a norm, and when B have stolen a couple of times, there is a difference.
you say - see, B also steals, it’s the same. No, it’s not. By saying that you support A, and you hurt and harm us.
Please don’t be so stupid. Understand that.
#politics #freedom
If other people do not understand our behavior—so what? Their request that we must only do what they understand is an attempt to dictate to us. If this is being “asocial” or “irrational” in their eyes, so be it. Mostly they resent our freedom and our courage to be ourselves. We owe nobody an explanation or an accounting, as long as our acts do not hurt or infringe on them.
How many lives have been ruined by this need to “explain,” which usually implies that the explanation be “understood,” i.e. approved. Let your deeds be judged, and from your deeds, your real intentions, but know that a free person owes an explanation only to himself—to his reason and his conscience—and to the few who may have a justified claim for explanation.
Erich Fromm, The art of being
#erich_fromm #psychology #quote #explanation #freedom
freedombox demo last year http://moglen.law.columbia.edu/sflc2015/04_freedombox.webm
i don’t know if it actually commercially available for the end user. currently only these features available, they say they work on adding other options too, including mail server, diaspora and/or gnusocial.
well, i wonder isn’t diaspora too heavy for that device? (never tried gnusocial). i’d like it to be available and i hope people will buy it and run their own servers easily.
#freedombox #freedom #internet #moglen #demo #decentralization #xmpp #owncloud #mumble #xmpp #ikiwiki #privoxy #tor #
that’s what happens, when proprietary product fails to gather necessary market share, and is not viable by market terms.
if it were free, it would be alive.
moral: don’t support proprietary software on kickstarter.
#proprietary_software #software #pressgram #market #economy #internet #freedom
And another building at the opposite side - I have managed to walk around it when I was able to escape my attendants - it didn’t even have an entrance. The interesting thing is that in the evening there were lights in the windows, but when I looked at them closely, I have discovered, that all of them were the same lamps. Probably, there is some system, which turns lights on simultaneously in the evening, to create an impression of a inhabited building, though it’s empty, and it has no entrance. Everything is fake there.
source (in russian)
#russian #korea #north_korea #building #fake #lie #freedom
apparently today software in order to be competitive, must be not only good, but also free and / or open.
software for software developers.
microsoft and apple probably got wind of that, and opening c# and swift compilers followed.
however, developers differ from the “regular user” and they let’s say developed and obtained more needs than they realized ten years ago.
will come a day, when this “regular user” will have a need to use free and/or open software, therefore software producers in order to be more competitive will have to free/open their software? i don’t know. i don’t know.
i don’t know.
#free-software #free_software #need #market #economy #competition #c_sharp #swift #microsoft #apple #freedom
there were one network administrator, and he was saying than he is frustrated that Armenia did not ban free wifi spots. when i’ve asked why, he answered that there is a lot of crime happening because of free wifi spots, and he gets a lot of requests, even got request from interpol.
well, i believe it’s a way of thinking of policeman, not system administrator.
policeman wants to simplify it’s work, and putting everyone to cell they can decrease the probability of crime. by banning open windows they can decrease probability that some thief can use them. but it’s not a way of thinking of administrator. well, i believe it should not be.
when i came to work where i work now, i’ve learned a sentence from my colleagues: “we are not police, we are administrators.” i like it a lot.
#police #surveillance #network #safety #security #wifi #freedom
here was a ted talk, i believe, and one guy from Sweden was saying - if somebody is watching me, i would prefer it to be local NSA, rather than US NSA.
Well, I envy him. He trusts local NSA so much. He believes that it’s not engaged in crime, corruption, unlawful activities. At least, it’s likely engaged less than the NSA of my country. Thus he feels himself more confident than me.
I am afraid of my local NSA more than of wolves, vampires, ghosts. It’s not they who might nock my door at 5am, when I am completely innocent. And definitely not US NSA. It’s my native, lovely, NSA. Which supposedly defends interests of the nation, but I am not quite sure it does not actually defend interests of other parties like their own, government, criminals instead. Sigh.
#safety #naive #sweden #nsa #privacy #surveillance #corruption #crime #confidence #security #freedom
the moment you realize that you are data
by @{Armin Sommer ; arminsommer@despora.de}
#moment #realization #quote #data #product #freedom
The Užupis Constitution
Everyone has the right to live by the River Vilnelė, and the River Vilnelė has the right to flow by everyone. Everyone has the right to hot water, heating in winter and a tiled roof. Everyone has the right to die, but this is not an obligation. Everyone has the right to make mistakes. Everyone has the right to be unique. Everyone has the right to love. Everyone has the right not to be loved, but not necessarily. Everyone has the right to be undistinguished and unknown. Everyone has the right to idle. Everyone has the right to love and take care of the cat. Everyone has the right to look after the dog until one of them dies. A dog has the right to be a dog. A cat is not obliged to love its owner, but must help in time of nee[d]. Sometimes everyone has the right to be unaware of their duties. Everyone has the right to be in doubt, but this is not an obligation. Everyone has the right to be happy. Everyone has the right to be unhappy. Everyone has the right to be silent. Everyone has the right to have faith. No one has the right to violence. Everyone has the right to appreciate their unimportance. [In Lithuanian this reads Everyone has the right to realize his negligibility and magnificence.] No one has the right to have a design on eternity. Everyone has the right to understand. Everyone has the right to understand nothing. Everyone has the right to be of any nationality. Everyone has the right to celebrate or not celebrate their birthday. Everyone shall remember their name. Everyone may share what they possess. No one can share what they do not possess. Everyone has the right to have brothers, sisters and parents. Everyone may be independent. Everyone is responsible for their freedom. Everyone has the right to cry. Everyone has the right to be misunderstood. No one has the right to make another person guilty. Everyone has the right to be individual. Everyone has the right to have no rights. Everyone has the right to not to be afraid. Do not defeat. Do not fight back. Do not surrender.
#Užupis #Constitution #land #freedom #Vilnius #Lithuania #art
Some people think that training dogs - and, even more so, wolves - is cruel, as if you are going to break their spirit or make them permanently cowed. But far from breaking his spirit, when a dog or wolf knows exactly what is and what is not expected of him his confidence, and as a result his composure, grow immensely. It is a hard truth that, as Friedrich Nietzsche once put it, those who can’t discipline themselves will quickly find somebody else doing it for them. And, for Brenin, it was my responsibility to be that somebody. But the relation between discipline and freedom is a deep and important one: far from being opposed to freedom, discipline is what makes the most worthwhile forms of freedom possible. Without discipline there is no real freedom; there is only license.
#book #quote #people #dogs #wolf #wolves #discipline #training #nietzsche #freedom #license #responsibility
I don’t know if it’s worth to buy a refubrished s2. gta04 phone on the other side is too unappealing for masses. jolla could manage to appear on the list, but even if/when they open sailfish, there are problems with drivers or firmware. sigh.
#fsf #gift #free_software #freedom #givefreely
to know better about gsm chip and what can be done to decrease it’s control over the phone:
#gta04 #openmoko #gsm #freedom #linux #neo900
people are different. they have different opinions. that is good. silencing or pressuring people who think different in diaspora, just because here are more leftists, only makes this place boring.
#community #freedom
Too often people with some talent go where there is some money to be made. They begin to trade a bit of their talent for a bit of money, then a little more, and finally they have nothing left to themselves. In Czechoslovakia we didn’t have many freedoms, and particularly not the freedom to make money. But that led us to choose professions that we really loved. I always photographed with the idea that no one would be interested in my photos, that no one would pay me, that if I did something I only did it for myself.
#koudelka #quote #Czechoslovakia #freedom
#rms #free-software #free_software #lawrence_lessig #lessig #freedom
There is a discussion now in the Duma about the possibility of introducing of exit visas for citizens of Russia. Radio station “Speaks Moscow” quoted the statement Vadim Solovyov - the deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Construction.
“Now we get a lot of proposals to introduce the exit visas. Official Foreign Ministry officials and security officers will explain the citizen which kind of dangers he might have if he leave a country. And when he got the official information, signs that, says yes, I know, I know the case, I was warned, and, nevertheless, I insist, then he should be given the opportunity to go, “- he said.
source in Russian
#russia #freedom #moscow #vadim_solovyov #russian #duma #speaks_moscow #radio #law
installing a new release of proprietary software became something comparable to ritual for me. it was a whole complicated ceremonial where the mistake could be fatal, and you had to choose carefully, and press these important “next” buttons.
there were no automatic updates for paid software, obviously, and when we’ve got them, like in case of chrome, we realized they’d better not be.
#proprietary_software #software #chrome #google-chrome #freedom
Let’s call things by their names — and stop saying “Users” when we mean “Citizens”!
First of all, it frames the discussion in a very convenient way for the other side. When we’re talking about users, we’re talking about people with contracts signed with companies, or about people consuming cultural works one way or the other. In other words, from square one we seemingly agree to play on the “business turf”, and on their terms.
Then there’s the problem that things that look beneficial for users can be unacceptable for citizens. For example lowering the fee by an ISP if the user agrees to use only certain web services (vide the whole Net Neutrality debacle). This might look like a good deal for a user, but a citizen should be able to see that it’s dangerous for free speech, among others.
And finally — and most importantly — rights and freedoms that we defend are citizen’s, not user’s. We should not be ashamed to call upon them if we’re supposed to defend them! And seemingly all other sides to this dispute (and many beside it) have to be reminded, over and over again, that people are citizens first and foremost; they can be users afterwards.
by @{Michał “rysiek” Woźniak ; rysiek@joindiaspora.com}
#freedom_of_speech #net_neutrality #user #citizen #right #freedom #internet
— people often mix being free, and being solitary.
#talk #comment #mix #people #freedom #solitude
(: #armenia #september21 #independence #screenshot #independence_day #freedom
Today I’ve got a warning that there is shortage of space on SD card. Was surprised, started to check. It turned out there is a file in the root, called “stream.wav”, and information is actively being written to it. I’ve listened the content - every event, talks, recording from the microphone for last 2 days. Checked my tablet - the same shit. As I am using CyanogenMod on my tablet, I have found out the reason pretty soon(see screenshot). Spying app is Yandex.Navigator. Now I’ll check logs of my home router, happily I have FreeBSD there, and I log everything, will check where my information went. Block this app or better uninstall it for good!
Yandex commented that it’s a bug.
Yes I believe it’s a bug indeed. We weren’t supposed to know that it spies, and it wasn’t supposed to eat such amount of space probably to remain unnoticed. Yandex will fix the bug and it’ll be harder to notice that it’s apps are spying after people. (:
#android #yandex #navigator #screenshot #surveillance #spyware #spy #software #freedom #cyanogenmod #console #research
In the same book store it is possible to buy toilet paper with Obama, and other things linked to USA. However you cannot buy a toilet paper with Putin on it. No, Putin is behind the glass (see my previous post).
#russia #bukvoyed #freedom #democracy #obama #usa #toilet_paper #humiliation #complacency #bookstore #book-store #book_store #america
in the “bukvoyed” book store you can buy portraits of putin and medvedev. they are stored behing the glass, it is the most secured item in the store. can’t touch em.
i guess, this is to simplify your work - you don’t need to make a portrait in order to hung on your wall yourself. moreover, portrait which you have made may not be good enough. so you have these approved portraits.
#portrait #putin #russia #book-store #bukvoyed #picture #medvedev #freedom #photo
spyurk.am at the map of diaspora nodes. I wish there would have been one in Artsakh too. Every time I go there we discuss possibilities of running a node with my friends. But it is not easy, internet is less affordable there and quality of life is not high. After all this state is in blockade and in semi-war situation. By the way, this small, but headstrong and freedom-loving nation deserves attention not less than Palestine. Just it’s not as known and “promoted”. I hope they’ll be able to solve all problems and will have their own nodes. (:
#artsakh #yerevan #stepanakert #shoushi #spyurk #diaspora #screenshot #map #freedom #internet
every time I say something about how Russia does something, in my opinion, negative, like censorship, limiting freedom of speech, some people react by defending it, they say that USA is no better. Like It’s okay to do that if USA does that too.
No, it’s not okay! It’s the same as saying that if Peter have stolen, it does give a right to Vasia to steal. No, it does not. Nobody should steal.
And yes, I believe, USA and Europe are in much better situation. And people have more control over the government. And corruption is incomparably weaker. And courts are incomparably more independent. And yes, Russian imperialism and obscurantism affects me, because it affects my country. It’s like American imperialism affects people somewhere let’s say in the middle east.
I would like to add something for my Russian friends. I love your country, I love your language, I love your culture. I really love them. You are amazing. I just wish you be free from tyranny and become a well developed modern nation. With cool technologies. To become a real player, to signify. Not by selling oil. By creating technologies, by science. You can do that. That’s your government’s fault that you’re going back in time now. I wish you to be able to change it.
#russia #usa #imperialism #people #government #freedom
one of the main technologies that keeps java afloat, and reasons why java is used today, is android. (so oracle needs to review their patent claims and just let people use java)
and if oracle wants java to be a player in internet of things business, they need to wish android success in that niche instead of suing google constantly.
#android #java #oracle #internet_of_things #business #market #patents #freedom #software
according to the new russian law, free wifi providers should gather information about those who use their wifi. in this particular case, access point at starbucks demands a phone number to send sms to it with code, which needs to be entered to that form in order to get internet connection. i. e. identification via phone number, and in orderbto get a phone number one has to provide passport information.
#anonymity #internet #russia #screenshot #surveillance #law #privacy #freedom
one guy from sweden, i believe, said in a talk (may be ted) related to surveillance, that if someone has to spy on him, he prefers it to be sweden service, not foreign.
well, amusing europeans. (: your secret services did not behave like kgb, and did not kill or send to siberia batches of people for the wrong word or even for nothing. of course you would prefer surveillance of your own state.
#privacy #surveillance #patriotism #freedom
on services, which have to sell our information or show us ads: we had to came up with better ideas for them. we had make researches in order to find out how they can earn money. i don’t know how. for example, may be ISP’s need to pay to the web sites proportionally to the amount of traffic. may be we have to pay for internet connection more, to support not only the pipes but the content? but that would make internet less affordable. or it would not increase the price considerably? i don’t know. but we had to think about it.
#internet #pipes #content #web #freedom
connecting to the piratebay from my hotel wifi. it asks to accept a self signed certificate issued by gibnet.ru. of course i did not, instead, via tor it did not require to accept any unknown certificate. if i would accept it they would be able to intercept my traffic. (:
#russia #security #privacy #thepiratebay #ssl #https #crypto #intercept #screenshot #freedom
The biggest impediment of rPi is that it is available from only one place due to Broadcomm hold on the processor and the personal union between Broadcom and the rPi Foundation (both run by the same person). Broadcomm has killed the competing rPi clones by simply refusing to sell the CPUs to the independent developers. Even if Broadcomm changed this policy (which I have not heard of), you simply cannot trust the chip vendor with this track record.
IMHO, investing any effort into rPi is a dead alley if you have any plans of “selling these boards to rural Africa”. Simply put, you are at the mercy of a single source who has a track record of using dirty practices against the competition. This is contrary to the idea of open design.
I am currently working on a BeagleBone which I selected precisely because I can buy the processor chips from Texas Instruments who has never refused to sell their chips to anyone. I am not impressed with performance, quad core or whatever. My only concern is whether I can build what I design, and then “sell to rural Africa”. Therefore, the rPi is completely ruled out forever.
#raspberrypi #raspberry-pi #raspberry_pi #broadcom #rpi #beaglebone #texas_instruments #ti #oberon #quote #freedom
Today I have watched Woody Allen’s “Irrational man” film at the “Moscow” cinema theatre in Yerevan. (: And now I am sitting at my balcony, it is raining outside, and I feel cosy writing this post.
I believe Woody is a great director. He knows people very well. And he tries to make deep works. Alas, not often people notice that. There were only 7 couples at the screening. I think it’s not a coincidence that Woody gave up trying to get money for films in USA. He works in Europe now. I just checked, surprisingly, this movie was produced in USA. This situation makes me think about how to make good films in case of free market? My usual guess is that when you have big enough market, then you have enough minority, which will pay for good films, thus they can be produced. However, it seems that even USA market is not big enough.
Whatever, this is a film about a man, who spent almost all of his life in the struggle for fairness. And he paid high price for it - deaths of close people, suffered a serious illness. Eventually he got despair, depression. He failed to make world a better place.
In particular because he was struggling by peaceful means. While the world around him was struggling against him with not very fair, peaceful means. That’s how fair meed fails.
Now this man decides to make something against the cruel system. Some small, but important thing. The difference is that he feels that he exhausted all the peaceful and legal ways to make a change. He decides to act illegally. And he thinks he can win. However the film is about that he cannot win, that fairness cannot win in this world.
Even if the world consists of beautiful and clever amazing girls around who think they believe in fairness.
So he confesses to his girl under the pressure, by having the naive belief that she can understand him. Wasn’t she understanding before? She had so much empathy for his past privations. Of course girl does not understand him. Firstly, I believe, because she is too young. And secondly, because that is not her struggle in reality. It only seems cool to be around someone who has seen life. Yes, there was a disadvantage - he considered himself a looser. However he very soon got back to life, because he got back to struggle for fairness. And she naively thought that she made him back by her “love”. And as we saw, she was unable to accept the man who fights now. She returned to her nice guy former boyfriend, whom she dumped for the philosopher previously, and who did not show any sign of concerns about humanity, justice, etc. Yes, he could buy a ticket for a political satire. That’s what every decent person should do. Buy a ticket and enjoy politics in the theatre.
May be she was unable to accept him, because she did not love him. Or she was in love more with her perception of him, not the real him, who values many other things, not only pretty young girls. He wasn’t loved by the woman who wanted to get to Spain either. They both were just using him to satisfy personal needs. Why would he take that woman to Spain. What for? Why cannot he find other one in Europe? And why he is sure she won’t dump him in Spain to find someone even more convenient? Does she deserve to be taken there? Because he believes in people.
May be the difference between these women was that the young was not aware of her motives, but the older was. She clearly had known what does she need. And she would not pass the philosopher in to the hands of police, not because of her values, but because she eventually found someone convenient.
Also, this movie is about our inability to distinguish between situations where we have to be honest, and where we don’t. This is what the philosopher stressed right in the beginning of the movie by asking his students if they would tell the police about the thief who is hiding at the neighbour’s flat, or not. Then he challenged them with the question if they would tell Nazis about Frank’s family, just for the sake of honesty.
Roy, young boyfriend of the girl, welcomes her back. However I believe she deserves a the other outcome. It’s not fair when people get positive reinforcement for negative actions. Russians have this tale about broken through. That tale is about fairness. Because those, who don’t get negative reinforcement, take people for granted and tend to continue to abuse their friendship.
I believe Woody makes films very close to real life. Indeed, that guy would accept her back. Without even one salty word. But this time. Not the next.
Also, this abandoned husband. He said: “think again” to her. What about? He had to say “go to hell”. But he did not.
Both of them, the boy and the husband may think that they got lucky. However I believe they’ve missed a chance to know who is their real friend, and who is not. If they wanted to see.
The other question is - do they really need a friend? A close person they can trust? Or they need a cool chick/man who will take to Spain/etcetera? Also, the men. Who do they need?
Roy will surround that girl with love and kindness, will make everything for her to feel comfortable and cosy. Will she answer equally? I doubt it. Because it’s not clear she can love at all.
May be nobody is able to love, just people find convenient variants, coinciding interests. I don’t know.
Woody skilfully exposes people’s behavioural patterns. Patterns, we often don’t notice ourselves. Or even if we do we have no strength or will to behave differently.
That is when I think about how many similarities people have. Not only exterior similarities. And how predictable are they.
And me.
I have noticed “The Idiot” and Hanna Arendt’s name in the frame for a short time. It seems Allen loves Dostoevsky, it is not a first time he refers to him. May be his works will be taught in the future, just like today Dostoevsky’s works are taught or considered as must read, who knows.
#cinema #movie #woody_allen #irrational_man #review #thoughts #people #dostoevsky #hanna_arendt #existentialism #philosophy #understanding #crime #justice #struggle #fairness #patterns #script #love #relationship #relationships #humans #usa #europe #culture #market #freedom
systemd is a political question even more, than technical. and probably a to some extent philosophical.
#systemd #gentoo #funtoo #politics #technology #freedom
if you want to make something, what you do, good, then may be you should not sometimes do that.
there are people, be they acquaintances, business or relationship partners, who don’t understand, don’t value, don’t appreciate the way we do that. and we do that that way in order to make something good, to make good work, to make things better.
well, they may need something else. does it make sense to make what they want if that’s not good? i don’t think so.
i don’t want to endeavour for something i won’t like after all. no, it’s better to make something good and don’t waist time.
#makers #design #good #taste #business #relationships #people #freedom
Motives are extremely important. sometimes even more important than actions.
This is why i have very mixed feelings every time i see a poster with Snowden’s words. Because i am not sure he did what he did because of his beliefs or ideology. I am afraid, he did it because he was simply a Russian spy. And because he was paid to defame US. When you get paid, and you get paid by the other interested party, it’s not heroism, it’s something which pretends to be heroism, but it’s not.
No wonder Wikipedia has a rule that those who write articles should not be paid for that. That’s a different motive. And that motive changes everything.
#snowden #fee #heroism #freedom #free_speech #russia #usa #surveillance #motives
in the wake of this post and comments.
i accept that free software is often far behind it’s proprietary analogues. we, the society must learn to not take it for granted.
we must pay to the creators to support their work. we must hire developers around us to contribute our desired patches. we must set up bounties for necessary features.
thus we will encourage development of free software.
because free doesn’t mean free-ware, it’s not as free beer but as free speech.
software requires investments like tree requires water.
#free_software #free-software #libresoftware #open-source #open_source #freeware #development #investment #bounty #software #freedom
In 2011, UN recognized Internet access as a human right. In particular, it was mentioned that states have to
respect online anonymity, adopt privacy and data protection laws, and to decriminalize defamation…
ensure that Internet access is maintained at all times, including during times of political unrest.
Well, I would like to add that you also have a right to not access the Internet. Especially if Internet for you is limited by Facebook, where online anonymity is not respected.
Nobody will punish you, fine you, or pursue you for that. May be some people will be offended, but, most likely, no one will notice your absence.
FAA - Federal Aviaton Administration, which defines US air traffic rules, in November 2013 revised limitations of use of personal electronics in the air. Which means that in USA passengers do not have to turn off their devices any more during take off or landing.
I would like to add, that even if you aren’t in the airplane, it is safe to use “airplane mode” of your device. You won’t be a reason of any accident: airplanes won’t fall, trains won’t leave their lines, ships won’t sink, and satellites won’t be invaded by aliens because of you.
Know your rights! You have a right for airplane mode!
#freedom #rights #airplane #airplane_mode #freedom_of_speech #facebook #internet
it turned out, our beautiful modernistic gull, hated by Khrushchev, our symbol of freedom, have been privatized. Now it is located in the restaurant, and her wing stretches above the fence.
#armenia #gull #seagull #freedom #modernism #photo #fence #restaurant #privatization #bird #architecture
Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane. It’s got no place here. Better get used to the idea.
#shawshank #quote #music #freedom
Why I’m Saying Goodbye to Apple, Google and Microsoft
I’m putting more trust in communities than corporations
via @{dolphin ; dolphin@spyurk.am}
#apple #google #microsoft #gnu #linux #cyanogenmod #free-software #freedom #software #communities #corporations
there’s such a cute technology for android, called privacy guard. it’s developed by cyanogenmod team, and is able to limit application behavior at runtime.
there are similar technologies for gnu/linux, for example this is how to run skype with apparmor.
what’s interesting, is how different apps behave. viber periodically asks to access the camera. skype doesn’t, it’s proprietary, but it tries to behave decently.
what is also interesting, is that we have a proof that viber reads call log, while at the viber site it is stated that viber requests that permission but does not use.
#viber #proprietary-software #software #android #privacy-guard #cyanogenmod #skype #apparmor #surveillance #freedom
for those who not aware, russia blocked github (once again) http://techcrunch.com/2014/12/03/github-russia/ #russia #github #freedom
what do you think about it?
#jolla #carrier-iq #ciq #sailfish #alien-dalvik #dalvik #carrieriq #voodoo #surveillance #freedom
Կարլ դէ Կեյզեր, Երեւան, հանրահաւաք։
#երեւան #հանրահաւաք #հաւաք #ազատութիւն #1988 #Carl-De-Keyzer #yerevan #rally #libertysquare #freedom
So Putin does not care that Artsakh(NK) Armenians will remain in total isolation from the world. He just needs Armenia to sign Eurasian-Union agreement at any price.
the preliminary treaty states that the customs checkpoints will be created in Kashatagh, Lachin, and other roads going to Karabakh. Imported products from Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia with have relatively high tariffs, in accordance to the Eurasian Economic Union. According to the circulating news, Armenia plans to sign this treaty on October 10, and will go into effect on January 1(2015)
#armenia #russia #eurasian-union #putin #humiliation #karabakh #artsakh #freedom
“If you cannot find, for somebody who has been in power for nine years in a post-Soviet country, anything connected with corruption or enrichment or finding like you know businesses or offshore accounts,” he said, adding, “That makes me very proud.”
#georgia #saakashvili #democracy #corruption #freedom
Russian government discussions on how to cut Russia’s Internet connection http://www.kasparov.ru/material.php?id=541BE2A0A1A0E and http://grani.ru/Politics/Russia/m.233140.html (both links in Russian)
#russia #internet #russian #www #web #freedom-of-speech #freedom
I have translated one of comments from here
I believe it’s not possible to look at the problem of language in Ukraine from the refined point of view.
Let’s ask the question - should you invite relatives to your house? Yes. But what if relatives are thieves? Then you should not. This is the difference between the “refined” and real question.
In the refined way, - two language state and calling relatives for a dinner is a good way, but in realistic way - it’s dangerous.
Thus I would like to stress two problems. Even three.
First - attacks on neighbor states are started from mentioning Russian speaking people. By mentioning so called compatriots - though it’s hard in Russia, after the defeat of USSR. Everybody is compatriot.
And the second question. Isn’t aversion of a language a reflection? Dislike toward Russian was born in Latvia, Ukraine, may be Georgia. Not because the language is bad, but because it serves as Trojan horse.
It is used to ride in, and then bereave of land. Thus, it is necessary to blame not the language, and not play games by using it, as Kremlin is doing, but give up using the language as a mean of taking away the lands. That’s it.
And supplementary question - why nobody worries about language in Asia? Why only Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, and Georgia?
Why we see that in East European countries, but not in Asia, where it’s stronger?
And the last. Recently, by jesting Klichko, separatists uploaded a video. He makes a slip in speaking.
But I wonder. Klichko, when he was speaking in one of the Kiev schools, speaks great, pure Russian language. And kids can understand him. Ukrainian major, Ukrainian kids, but the language of communication - Russian. That’s even after annexation of Crimea and fire in Donbass.
And then, in the corridors, Klichko speaks Ukrainian, where he’s being “trapped” by separatists.
Can you imagine that any major in Russia can have a talk, even in a Russian village, in Ukrainian language?
Who is more tolerant then?
#Ukraine #Russia #language #law #tolerance #Ukrainian #Russian #Klichko #freedom
Was it nice by naive Europe and US to support movement in Ukraine toward EU, and then refuse to help in case of Russian aggression? They didn’t expect it? Or they are so afraid of Russia?
Was it nice that when US, Britain and Russia demanded Ukraine to refuse from all their nuclear power, and promised to be warrants of Ukrainian territorial wholeness, that Russia was first who broke the agreement, by aggression, while UK and US just forgot about the paper. US even refuses to sell weapons to Ukraine.
Now, because of absence of western military support, Ukraine cannot fight Russian tanks, and cannot fight professionals from Russia. That’s why Poroshenko had to retreat and do what the monster, the Russian Tsar wants.
but that was predicted back in March by the former Putin’s advisor, and I have shared his talk in Russian yesterday. Putin will go as far as West will allow him.
What can stop tanks? Unfortunately, yes, other tanks can stop tanks. Man with a bag did not stop tanks moving to Tiananmen square. Tanks killed people.
We here know very well that the only reason Azerbaijan did not start war against Armenia yet, is that we are trying to not lag far behind their militarization, which is very hard, cause we are blocked, and don’t have oil money they have. Anyway.
Tanks can stop tanks. Yazidis don’t have military power, that’s why genocide of yazidis in #2014 was possible. And no one, no one helped them from the civilized world. As well, as nobody is helping Ukraine to survive Russian aggression.
This is a very old interview, which dates March 28. Unfortunately there are no good resources in English, and best talks of Illarionov are not available in English.
Now we know, why Yanukovich refused to sign agreement with EU in the last moment. He said to his close people, that Putin promised to take Crimea and Eastern part of Ukraine if he signs the paper. He was pale and frightened as never, as they say.
Also now we know, that military operation in Crimea had no connection with Yanukovich running out of Ukraine, because according to the Defence Ministry of Russia, it started in Feb 20, four days before he run away. Yes, they minted medals, “for taking crimea”, and we can see on those medals that operation started earlier, than they were saying it started.
Also we know from the very careful studies in April, that in all Ukrainian regions overwhelming majority of the people did not feel insecure because of religion, language or ethnicity, and that majority wanted to keep Ukrainian wholeness, continue to be Ukrainian citizens. It’s obvious that there was no people’s movement, but all the troubles were organized by emulating of movement by Russian SpetzNaz.
And corruption, that’s a very good lever if you want to colonize someone. That’s the lever Russia knows how to use.
It’s very pity that by having their great potential, their scientists and engineers they, instead of creating a civilized and developed country, make draconian laws and force free and clever people to emigrate from Russia, so that only controllable and manipulatable, non educated people remain there. I hope one day Russia will become a country, we all would want to be friends with. Not the country which forces Armenia to change national language. Not the country which wants all resources, to control anything, and wants to dictate everything, pressures so hard, by not giving us to take a breath.
Yes, if you don’t like US in Iraq, you shouldn’t like Russia in Ukraine or in Armenia. Let us be free.
#ukraine #russia #tanks #military #putin #europe #azerbaijan #aggression #war #peace #nkpeace #armenia #freedom
Seven Commandments
#cetacean #dolphin #whale #intelligence #law #declaration #environment #rights #protection #freedom
Andrey Illarionov - Ukrainian crisis and its aftermath (in Russian)
ნდრეი ილარიონოვი - უკრაინული კრიზისი და მისი შედეგები
#Andrey-Illarionov #georgia #ukraine #russia #russian #politics #economics #history #freedom #aftermath
explains how to install Sailfish on Nexus 5, for that one needs to make few steps under cyanogen, one of which is
in case you didn’t know it about playstore. okay. aha.
#jolla #nexus #android #cyanogenmod #linux #gnu #qt #sailfish #install #operating-systems #mobile #freedom
Putin is playing this very duplicitous game of keeping the level of intervention low enough that it doesn’t attract major attention and pushback from publics in the West, and he’s been fairly successful at that. I think he does not want to lose, but I think we have to also be aware of the fact that he could escalate much more rapidly and in a sense he’s already passed the point where he can draw back, I think, particularly easily.
#putin #ukraine #russia #war #freedom
did you notice how it happened? how Vladimir Putin, the man, who robbed it’s own country, centralized power, repressed journalists, raised corruption, subjugated all the media, and courts, repressed minorities, put to jail innocent girls, responsible for dead journalists, like Politkovskaia, killed innocent people, including Russians, in Chechnya, Beslan, etc, supported killers of Magnitski(if it’s not him), made new anti-gay laws, laws oppressing freedom of speech, and bureaus, that have power to shut down any web site just because they want to, etc, etc, etc… did you notice how this man became your hero?
Just because you don’t like some steps of USA, it doesn’t mean that you need to like same steps made by Russia!
If Peter have stolen something, it does not mean, that Vasia can steal! It does not mean you have to support Vasia’s robberies just because you don’t like that Peter were doing that. You cannot justify Vasia for that!
#russia #usa #putin #crime #offence #felony #repressions #freedom-of-speech #magnitski #media #chechnya #beslan #corruption #repression #hero #logic #objective #freedom
True: we made mistakes. We tried too hard to pander to Russia in the Yeltsin era, ignoring the growth of corruption, authoritarianism and revanchism. We overlooked Russians’ resentment as their country drifted from the European mainstream and our vulnerability to the steps they could take in response. We neglected Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and the countries of the Caucasus. The Blair government was bewitched by the Putin regime’s offer of cooperation against Islamist terrorism in 2001. We have been frequently dazzled by the spurious commercial prospects offered by Russia – in particular BP’s decision to form an alliance with Rosneft, the main Russian oil company, was a shameful example of greed and short-sightedness.
very good paper by Edward Lucas
#edward-lucas #russia #putin #oil #gas #caucasus #blair #ukraine #moldova #belarus #rosneft #russian #bp #vulnerability #authoritarianism #corruption #revanchism #europe #politics #world #war #peace #regime #challenge #soviet #ussr #empire #imperialism #freedom
Russia is a revisionist power
Russia wants to rewrite the rules in three ways. First, it does not believe that its neighbours should make their own decisions about their geopolitical future. Russia’s security, in short, depends on these countries’ insecurity. Russia particularly begrudges the former captive nations of the Soviet empire their freedom, their prosperity, and their independence. These pose an existential challenge to the stagnant and autocratic model of government pioneered by the Putin regime.
very good paper by Edward Lucas
#edward-lucas #russia #putin #europe #politics #world #war #peace #regime #challenge #soviet #ussr #empire #imperialism #freedom
To mark the 23rd anniversary of Artsakh’s independence, the Alexander Spendarian Opera and Ballet Theater staged an open-air performance of Avet Terteryan’s Ring of Fire opera in the ancient citadel of Shoushi
#artsakh #Avet-Terteryan #opera #Shoushi #freedom
Did Crimea get freedom? Or it went to barracks, unfreedom?
Crimea’s most senior official has said sexual minorities “have no chance” on the peninsula that Russia annexed from Ukraine in March.
#crimea #russia #ukraine #freedom
Putin went on to praise the philosophy of the “Eurasian idea” and to assert that Kazakhs endorse it and see benefits to “remaining in the space of the larger Russian world.”
Solzhenitsyn’s Greater Russian, Orthodox-driven nationalism, Elder notes, “once had him appear sorely out of touch, but today [is] increasingly fashionable.”
Apparently it’s good that we don’t have Russians in Armenia. Otherwise Putin would “protect” them, and we would have bloody events like in Ukraine. But stop! Putin will protect us from ourselves! The paper we signed with Russia, CSTO paper, contains a point that Russia may “help” our authorities in case of inner, not only outer threat. It means they’ll “save” us from having democratic elections, and change corrupted government. They need this corrupted and puppet government to dictate to us. Otherwise, if we try, they’ll protect us from ourselves.
Also, they’ll protect people of Artsakh. They desperately need their forces there. Once they enter, they’ll never get out.
#eurasian-union #russian-world #russia #imperialism #CSTO #Armenia #freedom.
two texts in Russian about trip to Artsakh: first, second.
Of course the author does not get it, there is no developed democracy, but even less free state than Armenia, if we can relate to them as to separate states. Anyway, might be interesting reading.
#artsakh #freedom #russian
meanwhile, California recognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, or Artsakh Republic, which is the same.
Unfortunately that does not mean anything. I am not excited at all.
#california #nkpeace #nagorno-karabakh #artsakh #freedom
extremely easy. just copy fonts to ~/.fonts and edit two files right on device. this is linux, not android. i enjoy it indeed. though n900 was better.
@{ Փրչրթան✱ Թանաքեան ; norayr@spyurk.am} 30.08.2014, 17:01:32
այսպէս։ ու ինձ դուր է գալիս չորս շարքը։ ու այսքան պարզ՝ https://github.com/norayr/sailfish-armenian-layout #հայերէն #յոլլա #սեյլֆիշ #գրամեքենայ #շարուաթք #էկրանահան #բարեւ #######
#jolla #sailfish #sailfishos #armenian #keyboard #layout #fonts #screenshot #screenshots #freedom
he sounded hysteric back in march for you
#ukraine #russia #crimea #annexation #war #peace #putin #georgia #freedom
Project GITenberg is a Free and Open, Collaborative, Trackable and Scriptable digital library. It leverages the power of the Git version control system and the collaborative potential of Github to make books more open.
#gitenberg #library #git #freedom #github #literature
Hetq’s editor-in-chief Edik Baghdasaryan talks with soldiers at the frontline. They say:
…Since we hadn’t responded in kind to them for such a long time they figured the situation would continue like that. That they would attack and we would merely defend.
…They have many Turkish weapons. Their recon units have Israeli manufactured weapons. We have as much as our resources allow. We don’t have oil to buy all those weapons. Our weapons are a bit cheap but they get the job done.
@{ Hetq (unofficial) ; hetq_eng@spyurk.am} Ուր 15 Օգս 2014 06:41:18 AMT
Reconnaissance Scouts on Karabakh Frontline Tight-Lipped About Themselves, Their Actions
Tue, 12 Aug 2014 00:20 +0400, by none
The boys don’t talk and that’s it; they don’t want to describe anything. In response to questions about their actions, they say they were given a job and they did it. I then ask for their opinion about the armies of different countries; I ask about the best scouts.
#armenia #azerbaijan #artsakh #karabakh #nagorno-karabakh #nkr #freedom #defence #army #scout #scouts
As Conflict Escalates, Dictator Ilham Aliyev Needs to Be Stopped
While Syria burns, Gaza explodes and al Qaeda captures another Iraqi town, another full-blown conflict threatens to further destabilize the Middle East, this one between Armenia and Azerbaijan. For months now, Ilham Aliyev, one of the worst dictators alive, has been indiscriminately shelling the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh, a formerly Soviet Socialist Oblast located within Soviet Azeri territory populated by ethnic Armenians.
#armenia #azerbaijan #aliyev #gaza #syria #iraq #nkr #nagorno-karabakh #armenians #artsakh #freedom
I think it’s not sincere for me to post here nice pics, scientific researches, and cool gifs and get attention, while in the reality I am surrounded by not very lofty events.
That’s why I am posting, and I guess I will continue to post information about local events. I think it’s my fault that I wasn’t doing it before.
#armenia #politics #freedom #democracy #artsakh #nagorno-karabakh #war #peace
“Russia is further constraining access to the internet and freedom of speech, with new laws regarding public use of WiFi. Nikolai Nikiforov, the Russian Communications Minister, tweeted that “Identification of users (via bank cards, cell phone numbers, etc.) with access to public Wifi is a worldwide practice.” This comes on top of their actions recently to block websites of political opponents to Russian president Vladimir Putin, require registration of prominent bloggers, and more.
#russia #freedom #internet #freedom-of-speech #free-speech #speech #law #wifi #putin #opposition #regulations #identification #anonymity
These attacks are more likely to come from the Azerbaijani side, which has rejected international initiatives to stabilize the ceasefire by removing snipers from the front-line. As the losing side in the conflict, the Azerbaijanis make it their business to challenge the status quo, make the other side nervous and remind the world of the conflict.
#thomas-de-vaal #nkpeace #nkfreedom #armenia #azerbaijan #aliyev #armenians #peace #war #nagorno-karabakh #artsakh #freedom
#armenia #azerbaijan #aliyev #armenians #enemies #peace #war #nkpeace #nkfreedom #nagorno-karabakh #artsakh #bbc #freedom
so, what do I think about it, why after 20 smth years, Azerbaijan military makes much more attacks now?
Because of two possible reasons, IMHO.
a) As you may remember, Russia forced Armenia to refuse joining EU agreement, and join Eurasion Union. Armenia cut it’s connections with EU by demand of Putin. Then, Eurasian Union did not sign the paper with Armenia (how lucky we are) because they demand to put customs between Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh Republic.
BTW, Armenia and NK have the same economic space, and joined World Trade Organization without problems. Why? Because NK has no other connection to the world, it’s in blockade. Actually, Armenia is also blocked by Azerbaijan and Turkey, but we still have Georgia and Iran. WTO asked Azerbaijan, if they agree to shut down NK blockade, then Armenia can join WTO without NK. Azerbaijan refused. But now Putin and Nazarbayev, the dictator club, demand us to leave this people in blockade. (: Our puppet president cannot agree, he has no support in the country, and it’s impossible to leave NK people blocked even by us. They hardly survive even now.
However, Putin does not care. He needs Armenia to sign the papers, whatever it takes. If we need to make customs on the Armenia-NK border, then we have to obey. If we don’t obey, he asks his friend, another dictator, who puts all his oil money into buying weapons (also from Russia) to heat the temperature at the Contact Line, and disrespect the ceasefire which lasted more than 20 years.
b) Putin needs to have his army to control NK. Thus he will control the territory, and can manipulate Armenia and Azerbaijan even more. In this case Azerbaijan, because he got everything he wanted from Armenia. Almost everything, we did not change the language law, did not obey and add Russian as the state language in Armenia. That’s in every paper Russia suggested within OSCE Minks group, that they need to put their “peacekeepers” in NK. When they control the territory, they can manipulate Azerbaijan to join Eurasian Union, by trading lives of Armenians living in NK. Also, they need to have military bases in Azerbaijan, and Aliyev-father promised it to Russia, and refused to do that later. So this is a way they can get what they want.
Thus Putin needs manipulate Aliyev to restart the war, to make war happen, then put “peacekeepers” and control the NK, thus three coutries in the region.
#nkpeace #nkfreedom #artsakh #nagorno-karabakh #armenia #azerbaijan #freedom #ceasefire #politics
Join the Social Media Campaign for #NKPeace and #NKFreedom
#artsakh #nagorno-karabakh #freedom #armenia #azerbaijan #aliev
@{ Փրչրթան✱ Թանաքեան ; norayr@spyurk.am} Շբթ 02 Օգս 2014 10:11:11 AMT
#Թբիլիսի #մանկապարտէզ #երեխաներ #աղջիկներ #քաղաք #փողոց #վանդակ #սեւ֊սպիտակ #լուսանկարներ #ուտենց #ժապաւէն
#photo #photography #kids #kindergarten #bw #black-and-white #film #film-photography #kodak-cft #tbilisi #georgia #children #lattice #freedom #foto #schwarz-weiß #schwarzweiß
seeml familiar, right?
Athenian: “Of the gods we believe, and of men we know, that by a necessary law of their nature they rule wherever they can. And it is not as if we were the first to make this law, or to act upon it when made: we found it existing before us, and shall leave it to exist forever after us; all we do is to make use of it, knowing that you and everybody else, having the same power as we have, would do the same as we do”
#melian-dialogue #history #politics #if #condition #athens #melians #melos #neutrality #freedom
nice one
but let’s remember, that in the West you still have relatively strong freedom of speech, while in some countries, like Russia and others, with corrupted dictator regimes, all mass media is controlled by government, and they can manipulate their people better. Also, they don’t do posters like this.
#freedom-of-speech #usa #twitter #facebook #government #media #mass-media #press #youtube #propaganda #freedom
proof of guilt.
Ukrainian rebels have not protected the jetliner’s crash site from looting or disturbance of evidence
@{ Richard Stallman political notes ; rms@spyurk.am} Երք 22 Հլս 2014 02:40:39 AMT
Looting at jetliner crash site https://stallman.org/archives/2014-may-aug.html#21_July_2014_(Looting_at_jetliner_crash_site)
#guilt #ukraine #mh17 #jetliner #rms #russia #freedom #crash #mas17
Imperial Mindsets Survive Empires
What is the responsibility of historians and social scientists in the resurgence of imperial solutions to evaluate the present based on the past through critical lenses? Could things have been different in Russia and Turkey had historians and other social scientists been more critical assessors of imperial history, especially when educating the new generations in schools?
Gerard Libaridian on South Caucasus After USSR Collapsed
#history #imperial #empire #empires #mindset #responsibility #science #past #russia #turkey #iran #south-caucasus #armenia #georgia #azerbaijan #freedom #independence
why you can have trouble entering Russia, (and Belarus, and Kazakhstan) with a phone or notebook.
#russia #eurasian-union #belarus #kazakhstan #phone #notebook #facepalm #customs-union #freedom
this is the link which shows banned #books in #Russia for the #kids of all ages.
It includes Karlsson on the roof for the “info which denies family values and promotes disrespect towards parents”, two more #tales by #Astrid-Lindgren, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and two classic Russian tales by #Pushkin.
#facepalm #freedom-of-speech #speech #freedom #russia #cccp #back-in-the-ussr #literature #law #repression #repressive-law #tom-sawyer #mark-twain #Karlsson
new site which is dedicated to the victims of the soviet repressions.
@{ Փրչրթան✱ Թանաքեան ; norayr@spyurk.am} Շբթ 12 Հլս 2014 04:27:15 AMT
կայքը նւիրւում է խորհրդային տարիների բռնադատուածների յիշատակին
#խսհմ #սովետ #յիշատակ #պատմութիւն #կայք #բռնապետութիւն #ազատութիւն
#ussr #cccp #repressions #history #freedom
Getashen village, 1991. Last photo made before “passport control”, conducted by Russian and Azerbaijan military.
#armenian #russia #ussr #ethnic-cleansing #1991 #operation-ring #azerbaijan #armenia #artsakh #nagorno-karabakh #independence #freedom
A man of Shahumyan who was 12 during those events told how the Russian soldiers shot the last people leaving the village in a Willis car. The child fell of the car with the others but did not die and understood that he should keep quiet. He lay quiet under the car and listened how the Russian soldiers shot the people, then climbed the cherry trees and ate cherries. Hranush Kharatyan says the man who was 12 then told her this picture remained in his memory.
#Armenia #Artsakh #Shahumyan #Russia #Azerbaijan #peace #war #cleansing #deportation #Karabakh #Nagorno-Karabakh #cccp #ussr #soviet-union #ссср #freedom ##################################
It comes as no surprise that the efforts of citizen activists to halt the stone by stone removal of the historic Afrikyan Building in downtown Yerevan is proving fruitless.
#yerevan #architecture #history #occupyafrikyans #freedom
The airport of Artsakh’s(NKR) capital, Stepanakert, has started serving flights for foreign tourists
#airport #artsakh #aviation #video #freedom #airplane
Freedom House ranks Karabakh’s democratic credentials higher than those of neighbouring Azerbaijan
That’s a very badly made film, but it’s still more than nothing. This is very important topic for me, for us.
NK(Artsakh) people is a nation which struggles for freedom, and has not less rights for freedom than let’s say Palestine. Nevertheless most of you don’t know about it’s existence. (:
Almost 100 years after Armenian genocide in Turkey, these people decided to not be victims, but defend themselves. And they succeeded. Which is unbelievable. But they don’t have recognition, instead, often Armenian side condemned. Surely, war is not a pleasurable time. But Azerbaijan started the war by ethnic cleansing of Armenian population - no Armenians, no problem. They failed, the brute force did not allow them to get rid of Armenians. Nobody were defending them. But small weak nation was able to win in a war against a big and rich country. Now Azerbaijan has hopes to return the “land” they need (not the people) by the help of diplomacy and oil. I live, may be, in the most militarized region in the world. Russia sells weapons to Azerbaijan, making billions of dollars per year.
#artsakh #karabakh #nkr #nagorno-karabakh #armenia #movie #politics #history #war #democracy #freedom
#artsakh #armenia #karabakh #nagorno-karabakh #movie #tourism #film #stepanakert #shoushi #shushi #gandzasar #mountains #temples #freedom
When everyone has a car, it means you can’t get anywhere without one. Instead of freeing you, the car becomes a cage.
#car #freedom #cage
Nagorno-Karabakh – A Fascinating Territory http://europetravelz.com/nagorno-karabakh-a-fascinating-territory/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=nagorno-karabakh-a-fascinating-territory
#nkr #freedom #artsakh #nagorno-karabakh #tourism #photo #shoushi #shushi
Yervand Kochar (Kocharian) ’s paintings in space
This guy made a mistake to return to Soviet Armenia, and USSR didn’t let him out anymore. He was put to jail immeditially. He had a wife in Paris. USSR refused her a visa. So they did not see each other anymore. I may tell you something more about this great painter.
#3d #art #paintings #paris #armenia #armenian #armenian-painters #ussr #cccp #ссср #freedom #yervand-kochar #kochar
found here
#mask #photo #production #guy-fawkes #guy-fawkes-mask #slavery #culture #freedom
according to the new Russian law, proposed by Putin, in particular
any service user (like Diaspora node, facebook, wordpress), any web site and/or page owner should have a known identity, with contacts.
user can be responsible for a comment under his post too.
user can be responsible for not disclosing information to the publc.
the last point is very interesting. it may mean, that if user did not write something about some event, just because he does not want to express himself, it means police needs to be interested by him.
#putin #russia #law #freedom-of-speech #freedom
hey, @{Edward Sargsyan ; edwardoid@spyurk.am} this is Lawrence Lessig presentation free culture and the direct link about topicl we’ve discussed today.
#free-culture #lawrence-lessig #creative-commons #copyright #freedom
#Արցախ #ժապաւէն #լուսանկարներ #ֆոտո #լղհ #լեռնային֊ղարաբաղ #ազատութիւն #Artsakh #Shushi #Shoushi #photo #photos #nkr #karabakh #nagorno-karabakh #film #freedom #######
@{ Неопознанный плавающий объект ; shushpu@spyurk.am} Կրկ 06 Ապր 2014 01:40:21 AMT
#Շուշի #ժապավեն
Ես ձեզ պաշտպանելու եմ, պաշտպանելու եմ, պաշտպանելու եմ…
մինչեւ չսատկէք։
(I will defend you unless you all die)
#putin #war #freedom #պուտին
It makes me pretty sad when I see Western liberals/leftists defend post-Soviet authoritarian leaders. I mean come on, you are defending people with golden toilet seats and Swiss bank accounts, people who plunder their own countries to buy yachts and football clubs in London, people who send their kids to the most expensive Western colleges and buy American passports for them. Even those Western leftists who idealized Stalin the 1930s made more sense: Stalin was a mass murderer, but at least he was trying to build a socialist economy, rather than trying to steal enough money to buy a mansion in Miami, FLA.
Mikayel Zolian
#puting #russia #ukraine #soviet #cccp #ссср #2014 #authoritarianism #zolian #invasion #customs-union #eurasian-union #maidan #freedom #путин #янукович #cccp #ссср #украина #россия #майдан #империализм #политика #свобода #евразэс #тс #таможенный-союз #евразийский-союз #деспотизм #авторитаризм #права-человека #Евромайдан #євромайдан #вільність #վլադիմիր֊նադեին #ուկրայինա #ռուսաստան #իմպերիալիզմ #մաքսային֊միութիւն #եւրասիական֊միութիւն #մարդու֊իրաւունքներ #ազատութիւն #սովետ #պուտին #յանուկովիչ #խսհմ #քաղաքականութիւն
March 5, 2014 10:36 PM EST — (TRN) — U.S. Department of Defense satellite imagery has detected the arrival of more than thirty (30) Russian nuclear bombers to the airfield adjacent to Russia’s Borisoglebsk national level nuclear weapons storage facility (Voronezh-45) and has observed numerous transfers from the storage facility to the aircraft, which are now standing-by along the two runways at the airport.
According to sources from the National Reconnaissance Office, yesterday there were only two Bomber aircraft at the airport to the east of the storage facility. This is typical for this facility and those aircraft can even be seen on old images used by Google Earth, HERE.
Early on March 5, U.S. satellites captured an image showing many bomber aircraft had arrived at the base. Later on March 5, a U.S. stealth surveillance drone, flown over the Russian base, showed more than thirty (30) such nuclear bomber aircraft had arrived at the airfield. Numerous transfers were observed by U.S. satellites, between the nuclear storage facility and the newly arrived aircraft. Those aircraft remain on the runway at the local airport at this hour, several with what appear to be Auxiliary Power Units (APU’s) attached, indicating the aircraft are on ‘stand-by” for immediate deployment. Clearly, Ukraine poses no threat whatsoever to Russia, which begs the question: What is Russia preparing for? They certainly are not going to bomb Ukraine with 30 nuclear bombs, so what other targets do they have in mind; western Europe?
Just days ago, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made clear to the west that Russia would retaliate if the west imposes sanctions upon Russia, and in a cryptic message, Lavrov stated that such retaliation “would be asymmetric.” The definition of “asymmetric” is: having parts that fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry. Launching multiple nuclear attacks against multiple countries in western Europe would certainly be asymmetic.
#russia #putin #ukraine #war #borisoglebsk #europe #blackmail #bomb #crimea #invasion #customs-union #eurasian-union #maidan #freedom #путин #янукович #cccp #ссср #украина #россия #майдан #империализм #политика #свобода #евразэс #тс #таможенный-союз #евразийский-союз #деспотизм #авторитаризм #права-человека #Евромайдан #євромайдан #вільність #վլադիմիր֊նադեին #ուկրայինա #ռուսաստան #իմպերիալիզմ #մաքսային֊միութիւն #եւրասիական֊միութիւն #մարդու֊իրաւունքներ #ազատութիւն #սովետ #պուտին #յանուկովիչ #խսհմ #քաղաքականութիւն #2014
сын мой не поинтересовался, почему людей с лозунгами «Танки на Киев!» милиция в центре Москвы охраняет, а с плакатами «Нет войне!» — жёстко задерживает.
First poster says: “with tanks - to Kiev” - police protects demonstrants. Second poster says - “No war” - police arrests protesters.
#moscow #police #peace #war #ukraine #russia #imperialism #freedom #путин #янукович #cccp #ссср #украина #россия #майдан #империализм #политика #свобода #евразэс #тс #таможенный-союз #евразийский-союз #деспотизм #авторитаризм #права-человека #Евромайдан #євромайдан #вільність #ուկրայինա #ռուսաստան #իմպերիալիզմ #մաքսային֊միութիւն #եւրասիական֊միութիւն #մարդու֊իրաւունքներ #ազատութիւն #սովետ #պուտին #յանուկովիչ #խսհմ #քաղաքականութիւն
Urbit is a personal cloud computer. Right now, the cloud computers we use run OSes designed for minicomputers in the ’70s. An ordinary user can no more drive a Linux box in the cloud than fly an A320. So she has to sit in coach class as a row in someone else’s database. It’s definitely air travel. It’s not exactly flying.
The user of the future will fly her own computer. She will own and control her own identity and her own data. She will even host her own apps. She will not be part of someone else’s Big Data. She will be her own Little Data. Unless she’s a really severe geek, she will pay some service to store and execute her Urbit ship - but she can move it anywhere else, anytime, for the cost of the bandwidth.
#computer #computing #urbit #vm #argemra #nock #hoon #arvo #clay #software #freedom
Evgeny Morozov: How the Internet strengthens dictatorships
#dictatorship #internet #freedom
NOTACON 5: CPU Not Required: Making Demos with FPGAs - by Jeri Ellsworth
#notacon #notacon5 #cpu #fpga #demo #demos #demomaking #retro-computing #jeri-ellsworth #hacking #hack #video #conference #freedom
The most important open and standard technologies to decentralize the web are openid and rss / atom feeds.
Let’s see how far social networks went in supporting these technologies.
It turned out, gplus provides openid, and works as rss reader (they killed reader for that).
That means we cannot follow google users from here(gplus is not federated), while they actually can follow us by subscribing to our atom feeds.
I remember there were discussions and bugs opened.
Just want to say - these features may deserve more attention.
#diaspora #development #web #decentralization #rss #atom #openid #technologies #freedom
#fosdem #brussels #photo #openpandora #gta-04 #openmoko #openphoenux #qtmoko #neo900 #free-hardware #free-software #dragonbox-pyra #pyra #dragonbox #games #computing #freedom
The New York City group with the highest percentage of high school graduates isn’t Chinese or Indians; it’s Ukrainians (94.4%). But rarely are we treated to encomiums about the cultural superiority of the Borscht Mom.
And culture is rarely either an unambiguously good force or an unambiguously bad one. Thus, Confucian values of education and family fealty certainly are one factor in explaining why Chinese students from low-income backgrounds do better than their peers. But as we’ve seen, that’s not the whole story. Meanwhile, many in China would like to see less conformity in their culture, believing that it inhibits much of the freethinking that powers creativity and innovation in America and that it results in a citizenry that passively tolerates suppression of dissent and censorship of the Internet.
It’s not conformity that makes this country great; it’s an individual striking out against the expectations of his culture, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg dropping out of Harvard, Miles Davis coming out of heroin addiction to produce ‘Round About Midnight, the 14-year-old Billie Holiday turning the pain of her childhood into the bluest beauty, Sylvia Plath taking on death with pills and poetry, William S. Burroughs writing from the bowels of his addiction in Naked Lunch; it’s Hemingway and Fitzgerald and Cheever and Carver drinking and writing, writing and drinking through their demons. Imagine what American culture would be if American artists had kept a tight check on their impulses.
#conformity #freedom #democracy #culture #usa #india #ukraine #hemingway #fitzerald #cheever #carver #writing #education #suppression #censorship #china #freethinking
being free is like being pregnant - either you are, or you aren’t.
#jim-marrs #freedom #iphone #android #openmoko #gta-02 #gta-04 #quote
all “modern” baseband processors (MTK, Qualcomm etc) have ROM bootloaders which perform cryptographic verification of downloaded fw images, and will not boot any image that has not been signed by the secret key corresponding to the public key whose hash is burned into OTP (one-time programmable) fuses right in the modem chip silicon! The FSF term for this freedom-robbing feature is tivoization.
#gta-02 #gta-04 #openmoko #tivoization #mtk #qualcomm #bootloader #fw #firmware #gsm #3g #lte #ept #fsf #freedom
new mplayer fork, accepts youtube links to play (:
#mplayer #mpv #youtube #software #free-software #freedom
Россия в петле… времени
Еще о Киеве. То, что там происходит, это — “бархатное” повторение событий в Венгрии 57 лет назад, в октябре 1956 года. Тогда, в ответ на расстрел чекистами мирной демонстрации, выступающей против сворачивания венгерского аналога “оттепели”, Будапешт восстал, и повстанцами была создана Национальная гвардия. Был сброшен и разбит гигантский памятник Сталину. Повстанцы заняли почти весь Будапешт. Потом — потом у власти оказались радикальные реформаторы, распустившие колхозы, а Венгрия объявила нейтралитет и вышла из Варшавского договора. И через две недели восстание раздавили советские танки. Естественно, советским читателям газет и радиослушателям сообщалось о “провалившейся попытке фашистского мятежа”.
#ռուսաստան #ուկրայինա #պուտին #իմպերիալիզմ #ազատութիւն #россия #украина #путин #империализм #свобода #russia #ukraina #putin #imperialism #freedom
Русский пациент
Лжет, когда в духе “всемирной отзывчивости русского человека” заламывает руки в фальшивом украино-страдательстве: обманывают коварные латиняне младшего братишку-несмышленыша, дауна, неспособного прочесть 900 страниц соглашения.
Подлинное отношение пациента к братишке (или сестренке) вырвалось только в замечательном откровении нашего замечательного левого интеллектуала, филолога, журналиста, политика, бизнесмена, актера, музыканта,писателя Земли Русской Захара Прилепина: “Как было бы приятно, если б Украина вернулась через год, или там через три, сырая, босая, обескураженная, с застуженными придатками, осатаневшая от случившегося с ней”.
Умри, Захар, лучше не скажешь. Кто еще добровольно предъявит urbi et orbi такой убийственный медицинский анализ душевных фекалий всемирно отзывчивого Русского Пациента!
Лжет, как Путин в Триесте, сокрушаясь, что дешевые европейские товары, прокатившись огненным валом по покоренной Украине, хлынут на просторы беззащитной России. Как будто нет в его руках такого стандартного таможенного механизма, как контроль за движением чувствительных для российского рынка товаров путем определения страны происхождения и введения пошлин на них на уровне ВТО.
#ռուսաստան #ուկրայինա #պուտին #իմպերիալիզմ #ազատութիւն #россия #украина #путин #империализм #свобода #russia #ukraina #putin #imperialism #freedom
Неужели окружающим его высшим чиновникам и иностранным «партнерам» не ясно, что во главе великой страны, ядерной державы, находится психически тяжело больной субъект с очень дурными наклонностями.
#ռուսաստան #խոդորկովսկի #պուտին #ազատութիւն #россия #путин #ходорковский #свобода #russia #putin #khodorkovski #freedom
These are my notes on how to compile leo2moko gsm firmware source and flash it into openmoko gta-02 device.
#gsm #openmoko #leo2moko #gta-02 #neo-freerunner #freerunner #firmware #shr #freedom
Probably, my main problem with many saas services, including facebook, is that they quietly substitute ideas of technology with exact services. The verb “to google” is a perfect example, because we all know that web search is not limited to google.
Companies like facebook and twitter avoid using standard technologies, so that people think of services provided by company, forgetting that Internet is a network, and it’s about technologies, not companies. It’s a space where anyone can create a service, by using common underlying and free for all technologies.
That’s why saas avoids usage of rss, for example. That’s why there is a question “what’s your name on skype?” instead of “what’s your chat id?”, as we do with email.
#Internet #saas #web #facebook #technology #rss #email #smtp #jabber #xmpp #google #search #twitter #technologies #service #skype #chat #email #decentralization #freedom
via @{Blacklory ; blacklory@joindiaspora.com}
#slavery #serco #liberty #corporatism #freedom #image #crow #liberator #capitalism
#23 #november23
The second operating system hiding in every mobile phone
I’ve always known this, and I’m sure most of you do too, but we never really talk about it. Every smartphone or other device with mobile communications capability (e.g. 3G or LTE) actually runs not one, but two operating systems. Aside from the operating system that we as end-users see (Android, iOS, PalmOS), it also runs a small operating system that manages everything related to radio
#surveillance #mobile #operating-systems #android #ios #palmos #3g #gsm #lte #technologies #radio #smartphones #device #communications #privacy #freedom
-Այսօր Պուտինի այցին ընդառաջ քաղաքացիական ակտիվիստներին ձերբակալեցին, գյումրեցիների ասելով՝ Գյումրիում այսօր արգելվել է հուղարկավորության արարողությունը: Ինչի՞ց են վախենում իշխանությունները:
-Չեն վախենում, հաճոյանալու ձևեր են, ուզում են տպավորություն ստեղծել, որ հակառուսական ինչ-որ ճնշումներ են եղել հակառուսական տրամադրություն ունեցող ակտիվիստների վրա, որպեսզի ֆիքսեն, թե աշխատում են, տեսեք, ոստիկաններ ենք հանել:
#PUTinOUT #armenia #yerevan #putin #customs-union #freedom #protest #photo #photos #Երեւան #հայաստան #մաքսային֊միություն #անկախություն
Մի քանի խոսք դեկտեմբերի 2-ի ցույցից՝ http://byurakn.wordpress.com/2013/12/04/մի-քանի-խոսք-դեկտեմբերի-2-ի-ցույցից/
#PUTinOUT #armenia #yerevan #putin #customs-union #freedom #protest #ukraine #photo #photos #Երեւան #հայաստան #մաքսային֊միություն #անկախություն
#PUTinOUT #armenia #yerevan #putin #customs-union #freedom #protest #ukraine #photo #photos #Երեւան #հայաստան #մաքսային֊միություն #անկախություն
#PUTinOUT #armenia #yerevan #putin #customs-union #freedom #protest #ukraine #photo #photos #Երեւան #հայաստան #մաքսային֊միություն #անկախություն
#PUTinOUT #Armenia #freedom #customs-union #protest #photo #Yerevan #independence
#PUTinOUT #armenia #yerevan #putin #customs-union #freedom #ukraine #Երեւան #հայաստան #մաքսային֊միություն #անկախություն
New edition of Wirth’s book Project Oberon is out. It describes not only built from scratch software(entire operating system and compiler), but design of the hardware as well.
The vast complexity of popular operating systems makes them not only obscure, but also provides opportunities for “back doors”. They allow external agents to introduce spies and devils unnoticed by the user, making the system attackable and corruptible. The only safe remedy is to build a safe system anew from scratch.
#oberon #wirth #niklaus-wirth #risc #programming #fpga #books #programming-languages #compilers #operating-systems #compiler #freedom #design #security #privacy #surveillance #reliability
visit Artsakh
#artsakh #nagorno-karabakh #freedom #advertisment #video #tourism #history
Լարի Լեսիգն ասում է, որ օրենքը սահմանափակում է ստեղծարարությունը
Ինտերնետի ամենահայտնի իրավաբան Լարի Լեսիգը մեջբերում է Ջոն Ֆիլիպ Սուսային, երկնային հեղինակային իրավունքները և ASCAP (երգահանների, հեղինակների և հրատարակիչների ամերիկյան ասոցիացիայի) կարտելը որպես փաստարկ մեր ստեղծարար մշակույթը վերածնելու համար։ http://www.ted.com/talks/larry_lessig_says_the_law_is_strangling_creativity.htmlv via @{Արգելիոն Argelion ; aragev@spyurk.am}
also on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q25-S7jzgs
#lessig #creativity #rw #ro #read-write #read-only #copyright #law #cc #creative-commons #broadcasters #bmi #right #democracy #future #technology #common-sense #court #liberty #freedom
#լեսիգ #ստեղծարարություն #պատճենաշնորհ #տեխնոլոգիա #օրենք #եթեր #իրավունք #ժողովրդավարություն #ապագա #դատարան #ազատություն #երգեր #ձայնագրություններ
image from wikimedia
So the idea is to tie everything so hard into systemd that alternatives will just be impossible because of undocumented, unportable APIs that are leaky abstractions that make no sense without the thing they fail to abstract?
And why on earth does every daemon now need to be patched? They worked well for the last few decades without such specific hackery.
very good text by Gentoo developer Patrick Lauer about systemd.
#gnu #linux #programming #centralization #control #decentralization #gentoo #systemd #openrc #patrick-lauer #funtoo #dbus #logind #cgroups #kernel #unix #operating-systems #api #abstraction #freedom
This could be the biggest advance in camera design for a decade
#open-source #camera #freedom
First small steps toward free GSM firmware http://lists.openmoko.org/pipermail/community/2013-October/069010.html This thread is worth to check out. Also this comment http://lists.openmoko.org/pipermail/community/2013-October/069022.html
#freedom #free-software #floss #gsm #firmware #gta-02 #gta-0x #gta-04 #openmoko #gsm-ti-agps #ti #free-hardwore #open-hardware #csd #gprs #eminent-domain
picture source
Happy Independence day, #Armenia. 22 years ago 99% of Armenia population voted for free, independent, democratic Republic of Armenia.
It is dangerous time for our freedom now. Putin is forcing us to join his new #Russian-Empire, which is called #Eurasian-Union - one whole country with one army, ruled from #Moscow. But let’s remember, that history does not end here. Empires are going to collapse, sooner or later. We survived so many empires throughout our history, let’s fight this empire too, we are not going to surrender..
Fuck Imperialism. Fuck Putin. Fuck capitalism.
Happy independence day, Armenia!
#freedom #democracy #independence #21september #1991 #armenia #cccp #ссср #capitalism #communism #putin #imperialism #artsakh #people #referendum #republic-of-armenia #Հայաստան #խսհմ #սովետ #ռուսաստան #մաքսային֊միություն #արցախ #իմպերիալիզմ #մարդիկ #ժողովրդավարություն #անկախություն #հանրաքվե #պուտին #եւրասիական֊միություն #կոմունիզմ #կապիտալիզմ #հայաստանի֊հանրապետություն #հայք
#mobile #phone #smartphone #gadget #module #design #electronics #crowdfunding #ecology #phonebloks #consume #waste #freedom
За 22 года нам так и не удалось избавиться от этой пятой колонны, и теперь она перешла к завершающему этапу своей программы – реколонизации. Это ни разу не может нас обрадовать, просто многие, видимо, не осознают происходящее.
Путин не вечен, не вечны также империи и державы, тем более сырьевые придатки Запада, чьи ущербные гауляйтеры мнят себя Строителями Ымперии.
#armenia #freedom #ussr #putin #imperialism
proprietary software source leaks: ftp://ftp.ifctf.org/
#software #leak #freedom #proprietary #free #source
დიმიტრი შევარდნაძე მხატვარი ხელოვნების მუზეუმის დამაარსებელი დახვრეტილია 1937 ნელს
Dimitri Shevardnadze artist, founder of Georgian Art Museum. shot in 1937
#USSR #CCCP #СССР #ԽՍՀՄ #1937 #Georgia #Dimitri-Shevardnadze #artist #georgian-painters #georgian #Tbilisi #photo #photos #history #dog #art #Beriya #Stalin #Soviet #communism #socialism #repressions #freedom #დიმიტრი-შევარდნაძე #ფოტო #თბილისი #საქართველოს #ხელოვნების #ძაღლი #ისტორიის #სტალინი #თავისუფლების #լուսանկարներ #Դիմիտրի֊Շեվարդնաձե #նկարիչ #արվեստագէտ #արվեստ #վրացի֊նկարիչներ #Թբիլիսի #պատմություն #լուսանկարներ #ֆոտո #շուն #Ստալին #Բերիա #կոմունիզմ #սոցիալիզմ #Վրաստան #ազատություն
ազատ Արցախից, անցնելով Վանքով, Գանձասարով, Դրմբոնով, շրջելով Սարսանգի ջրամբարի մոտ, ու հետո Վայկունիքում Տեր֊տեր գետի երկայնքով, Վարդենիսով, Սեւանով, ու տներով։ (:
with @{ջրային վիշապ [դուստր աժդահակի] ; tanamasi@spyurk.am} @{ծույլ վիշապաքաղ ; lubekar@spyurk.am} @{imandes (իմանդէս) ; imandes@spyurk.am} @{Cat Кот Чеширский Cheshire ; coder@spyurk.am} from free Artsakh with love, via Vank, Gandzasar, Drmbon, passing by Sarsang reservoir, going along Ter-ter river, then to Vardenis, and home, Yerevan.
#n900 #mappero #Shoushi #Artsakh #Nagorno-Karabakh #barcamp #BarcampArtsakh13 #freedom #Vank #Ganzasar #Drmbon #Sarsang-reseroir #Ter-ter #Vardenis #Yerevan #Արցախ #Շուշի #բարքեմփ #ազատություն #ուղի #ուղեւորություն #քարտեզ #Հայաստան #Վանք #Գանձասնր #Դրմբոն #Վարդենիս #Երեւան #Տեր֊տեր #Վայկունիք
#Մոնթե #Ավո #Մոնթե֊Մելքոնյան #փոստ #375009 #հեռախոս #Հայաստան #Երեւան #փողոց #Հայք #Արցախ #ազատություն #Monte #Monte-Melkonian #Armenia #Yerevan #phone #post #street #freedom #Artsakh
#Մոնթե #Ավո #Մոնթե֊Մելքոնյան #Արարատ #Հայաստան #Երեւան #Հայք #Արցախ #ազատություն #Monte #Monte-Melkonian #Armenia #Yerevan #Ararat #freedom #Artsakh
ես հատուկ ուզում էի Վանք մտնել այս պատը լուսանկարելու համար։ Պատին փակցված են ադրբեջանական բանակի մեքենաների համարները։
I went to Vank because I wanted to photograph this wall. It is covered with the numbers of the Azerbaijani military cars.
In short, deportation and ethnic cleansing of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh failed, and resulted in war, and later, creation of de facto independent Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (Artsakh).
#Վանք #լուսանկարներ #պատ #պատը #գյուղ #փողոց #ֆոտո #Արցախ #անկախություն #պատերազմ #պատմություն #հաղթանակ #ազատություն
#Vank #photos #photo #wall #street #country #village #Artsakh #Nagorno-Karabakh #war #peace #freedom #victory #independence
Me and @{ծույլ վիշապաքաղ ; lubekar@spyurk.am} , @{imandes (իմանդէս) ; imandes@spyurk.am} @{Լոկի չարանենգ (Low Key Lyesmith) ; tanamasi@spyurk.am} are going to be at BarCamp in Nagorno-Karabakh(Artsakh) Republic. De facto independent state, where after all those troubles people live in peace.
#barcamp #artsakh #nagorno-karabakh #freedom
Նավալնու մեղադրանքը, կփակե՞ն արդյոք Սկոլկովոն, ո՞վ է կառավարելու երկիրը։
Ռուբեն Վարդանյանի հարցազրույցը երեք մասից Անձրեւ ալիքում՝
Рубен Варданян о разоблачениях Навального, закроют ли Сколково и кто будет править страной…
#Ռուբեն֊Վարդանյան #Սոբչակ #հարցազրույց #Սկոլկովո #Նավալնի #Ռուսաստան #վարչակարգ #ազատություն #ապագա #անձրեւ #Рубен-Варданян #Собчак #Навалный #Сколково #интервью #Россия #свобода #будущее #режим #дождь #Ruben_Vardanian #Sobchak #interview #tvrain #rain #Skolkovo #Navalni #freedom #Russia #regime #future
comment from here https://spyurk.am/posts/228436 by @{marc ; exn@joindiaspora.com} :
#comment #media #cite #quote #internet #social #trade #slavery #freedom
#քաղվածք #մեկնաբանություն #մեջբերում #համացանց #առեւտուր #ստրկություն #ազատություն
[բնօրինակ սփիւռքում(եւ մեկնաբանութիւննե՞ր)](https://spyurk.am/posts/d7cda44d95efd595)
#gta-04 #camera first working video published.
#openmoko #freedom #gnu #linux #v4l #video #mplayer
whole day I was listening to this. clip made by @{trinity von bergenbild** ; trinity@diasp.org}
#klangkarussell #osho #musik #hate #love #society #freedom #երաժշտություն #ազատություն #օշո #ատելություն #սէր #########################
#klangkarussel #freedom #ազատություն #Sonnentanz
#soviet #dissidents http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_dissidents http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:Soviet_dissidents_in_Munich.jpg #CCCP #СССР #ԽՍՀՄ #սովետ #freedom-of-speech #freedom #munich #photo #ազատություն #խոսքի֊ազատություն #Մյունխեն #ֆոտո
#Artsakh #Արցախ #freedom #ազատություն #Nagorno-Karabakh #Լեռնային–Ղարաբաղ #Armenian #Armenia #Հայք #Հայաստան #անկախությունThe #Maine House of Representatives and #Senate passed a joint resolution this morning recognizing the #independence of the #Nagorno-Karabakh-Republic ( #NKR ), and calling on the U.S. President and Congress “to support the self-determination and democratic independence” of NKR.
В истории Грузии последних веков сложно выделить период, когда отношения с Россией не представляли проблему нашей государственности, безопасности и развития.
#Georgia #Russia #occupation #independence #freedom #Վրաստան #Ռուսաստան #օկուպացիա #անկախություն #ազատություն #############################
#Оборона #Тифлис -а против Красной Армии в #1921 году. http://geostringer.livejournal.com/223237.html
#Georgia #annexation #Tbilisi #Tiflis #Red-Army #defence #freedom #USSR #СССР #Թբիլիսի #თბილისი #Тбилиси #history #պատմոթյուն #ազատություն #խսհմ #սովետ #պաշտպանություն
after party election #protest at #freedom square. #Yerevan #Armenia #Barev #Barevolution #film #armvote #armvote13 #2013 #Երեւան #Հայաստան #Բարեւ #Բարեւահեղափոխություն #ազատություն #ազատության֊հրապարակ #ժապավեն #հավաք #քաղաք #լուսանկարներ #ֆոտո #cc_norayr (cc) inky #####
To all folks out there in Diaspora who are interested in what the hell is going on in #Armenia. It may help to imagine situation to some extent. This #movie have been made by #documentary director #Ara-Shirinian. It’s long, there are 6 parts in it, not a high quality footage, but it has English #subtitles, that’s why I share it. It tells a #story about #epic #fail to #change the #system by #peaceful #revolution, without #force. Authorities used #army against #demonstrants which is against #constitution. It happened back in #2008, but I believe nothing really changed since then. #Authorities even gained more strength these days and are able to show that we have more #free-speech and everything is okay. So this movie is called #Change. As we got to know later from #wikileaks West did not support the change here. It was ok to trade #democracy for the authorities they can better manipulate. Nobody needs really independent authorities here.
part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CPy311xwSg
part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKJlwmw3lYY
part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf9W8FhqMOk
part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOm_3uOnmPM
part 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTAN_ZVZP9k
part 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkpuubUbx3M
I know another very interesting movie, but I cannot find a version with subtitles. #politics #Armenia #political-prisoners #prisoners #freedom #democracy #elections #history #army #protest #Yerevan #fraud #falsifications #force
#Open-Source #Telecommunications #Infrastructure #network #mesh #serval #servalproject #freedom #p2p
Do you remember Napster? We're still seeing the impact of the original peer-to-peer file (read: music) sharing program today. According to Paul Gardner-Stephen, the power of music labels has diminished dramatically as a result of these kinds of activities. In fact, has been re-distributed to the people.
“The democratisation of online music is one example where the internet has eroded the monopoly power of music labels returning some portion of that power to the general public, without bankrupting those enterprises.”
Dr Paul Gardner-Stephen
Paul has explored what is essentially a #Napster equivalent that will compete with the #mobile telecommunication giants. He believes that the advent of powerful, programmable, #portable digital #devices (e.g. #smartphones) are a key factor in this eventual #democratisation of mobile #telecommunications
[բնօրինակ սփիւռքում(եւ մեկնաբանութիւննե՞ր)](https://spyurk.am/posts/ebfa862a5c8763aa)
#այսօր, տարիներ առաջ մահացել է #դիկտատոր #Ստալին ֊ը, որը թույլ տվեց որ մենք կանգնեցնենք #Սեւանի իջեցումը, թույլ տվեց ազատել որոշ #քաղբանտարկյալ ֊ներին, օրինակ #Մահարի ֊ին, (#Չարենց ֊ին դա չփրկեց, իհարկե) թույլ տվեց #վաթսունականներ, թույլ տվեց ցեղասպանության մասին բարձրաձայնել ու կառուցել #ծիծեռնակաբերդ, հետաքրքիր, նոր #ճարտարապետություն, թուլ տվեց ունենալ #ամառային֊դահլիճ, #Սեւան ֊ի #ճայ ֊ը, որի համար #Խրուսչյովը #չռփել է #Զարոբյան ֊ին, թույլ տվեց ազատվել #Ստալին ֊ի հսկա արձանից, որ հսկում էր #Երեւան #քաղաք ֊ը, թույլ տվեց մի քիչ ազատ շնչել, որը իհարկե երկար չտեւեց, բայց մեծ #փոփոխություն էր։ #Շնորհակալություն որ մեռար, #Ստալին, դա շատ լավ էր #Հայաստան ֊ի համար։ #Today, many years ago a #dictator named #stalin died. This allowed us to stop #devastation of the #Sevan lake, it allowed us to free some political prisoners, such as #Mahari (though it didn’t help #Charents), it allowed us to have our #60ies, to speak about #armenian-genocide, and build a #memorial, to have new, interesting #architecture, like #openhall, or a #seagull for which #khrushchev punished #Zarobian, it allowed us to get rid of the huge #stalin #monument over the #yerevan, it allowed us to breath a little more free, fresh air, it allowed some short #change. Thank you Stalin, that you died, it was very good for #Armenia
Serj #Tankian ’s letter to Serzh(ik) #Sargsyan. #armvote13 #barevolution #soad #armenia #freedom #serj-tankian #serzhik-sargsyan
Dear Mr. President,<br>
Congratulations on your victory.<br>
Victory means getting the most votes, of course, in a democracy.<br>
Based on the overwhelming reported fraud from many NGOs, irrespective of the OSCE report, it seems like it would be scientifically impossible for even you, Mr. President, to know whether you actually won the majority of votes.<br>
That’s quite funny isn’t it? That you, the President of Armenia are not really sure, deep inside, whether you are the true chosen leader of your people or not.<br>
That would really bother me personally. If I wanted to lead my people, I would really want them to make that decision for themselves, because I respect my people and that is their decision to make. Otherwise, I would take over Armenia and call myself the Governor General of Armenia or Dictator du jour or whatever moniker I felt like sporting that day. Maybe your party is out of control and the oligarchs are running out of caviar or something and they want to make sure that the flow of the good times doesn’t stop.<br>
Whatever the case, it is time for change.<br>
Whether you’ve won fairly or not, somehow you are now President, again.<br>
What does that mean to you?<br>
Yes, Artsakh is important to us all and we have to struggle together for our brothers there.<br>
But what I mean is how are you going to progress the cause of Armenians, in Armenia and around the world?<br>
How are you going to help pull the country out of its economic, social, and political dysfunction and turmoil?<br>
Obama at least offers hope, even when he lets us down.<br>
Years ago, I started a campaign asking President Obama to do the right thing and stick by his promise to recognize the Armenian Genocide.<br>
You too took an oath, to the constitution of Armenia, to protect the country from enemies foreign and domestic. Those who steal elections from my people are domestic enemies that need to be punished.<br>
It should be your duty to enforce that, even if some think it hypocritical. You should also consider dissolving Parliament and being the first Armenian reformist President who goes out of his way to make sure that future elections are fair and representational.<br>
Serzh, everyone who knows me knows that I can’t stand injustice. And like most diasporan Armenians, I have always been reluctant to criticize your government directly and publicly. But the avalanche of people suffering under your rule due to corruption and injustice is tipping the scale for us all.<br>
You need to know that.<br>
Armenia is desperate for the rule of law more than anything else. And no one can be above the law. You can make that happen, now, by example and presidential decree.<br>
Unite us Serzh. Inspire us.<br>
Please take this challenge.<br>
Thank you for your time.<br>
Serj Tankian<br>
I believe this video is via @{Chris ; teslas_moustache@diasp.org} http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP8CNp-vksc
#rms #stallman #freedom #ethics #ubuntu #gnu #linux #free-software #privacy #spyware
for me it comes down to human rights
i think we have the right to know, if we choose, exactly what the technology is doing and how
so closed systems like windows and mac, i feel they abuse my rights and insult my intelligence
i give many thanks to the creators of open source operating systems and applications, without them i may not even be aware that i have rights :)
by @{aj@diapod.net ; aj@diapod.net} https://spyurk.am/posts/122958
#rights #human-rights #freedom #free-software #windows #apple #macos #abuse
English from here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iOInWTzI7w#t=5m30s
#armenia #karabagh #elections #fraud #democracy #armenian-genocide #freedom #law #constitution #armenian #raffi-hovhannisian
Հեղինակների համոզմամբ, բարգավաճ և աղքատ երկրների տարբերությունը բացատրվում է ոչ թե նրանց աշխարհագրական դիրքով, բնական հարստություններով, լավ կամ վատ կառավարմամբ, ազգային մտածելակերպով կամ մշակույթով, այլ բացառապես պետական հաստատությունների՝ ինստիտուտների որակով։ Բարգավաճ երկրներում, որոնց իշխանությունները շահագրգռված են տնտեսության զարգացմամբ ու ժողովրդի բարօրությամբ, պետական հաստատությունները, որոնք բնութագրվում են որպես «ներգրավող ինստիտուտներ» (inclusive institutions), նպաստում են ազգի բոլոր ստեղծագործ ուժերի ներգրավմանը, ինչն անհնար է առանց ժողովրդավարության, իրավունքի գերակայության, ազատ մրցակցության և սեփականության անձեռնմխելիության ապահովման։ Իսկ աղքատ երկրներում, որոնց իշխանություններն առաջնորդվում են միայն սեփական հարստացման ու իրենց իշխանության հավերժացման շահագրգռությամբ, գործում են, այսպես կոչված, «կորզիչ ինստիտուտներ» (extractive institutions), որոնց խնդիրն է վանել ազգի բոլոր ստեղծագործ ուժերը և ամեն ինչ կենտրոնացնել իշխանությանն ապօրինաբար տիրած ավազակախմբի ձեռքում։ Ցավով պետք է ավելացնեմ, որ գրքում Հայաստանը, որպես օրինակ, հիշատակված է աշխարհի մի քանի «ձախողված պետությունների» շարքում։ գրքի հղումը #Լեւոն #Տեր-Պետրոսյան #հարցազրույց #ընտրություններ #Ter-Petrossian #interview #elections #Armenia #Հայաստան #fail #nation #ազգ #democracy #ժողովրդավարություն #freedom #ազատություն #books #book #գիրք #գրքեր
commented in a #diaspora discussion at #hacker-news https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5069507 the whole thread is here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5006553 #capitalism #freedom #facebook #science #internet
հեյ @{այս հաշիվը այլեւս գոյություն չունի ; satenik@spyurk.am} , երբ կարդացի քո դավաճանության մասին տեքստը հիշեցի Վենեդիկտովի այս հարցազրույցը՝
#Վենեդիկտով #Պուտին #Venedictov #Putin #Венедиктов #Путин #ազատություն #freedom #свобода
#rms #freedom #democracy #privacy #interview #drm #obedience #free-software #surveillance http://www.newint.org/features/web-exclusive/2012/12/05/richard-stallman-interview/
Q Tell me about these malicious features.
There are three kinds: those that spy on the user, those that restrict the user, and back doors. Windows has all three. Microsoft can install software changes without asking permission. Flash Player has malicious features, as do most mobile phones.
‘Any change in the way protest is done is an opportunity for governments to criminalize it.’
Digital handcuffs are the most common malicious features. They restrict what you can do with the data in your own computer. Apple certainly has the digital handcuffs that are the tightest in history. The i-things, well, people found two spy features and Apple says it removed them and there might be more
When people don’t know about this issue they choose based on immediate convenience and nothing else. And therefore they can be herded into giving up their freedom by a combination of convenient features, pressure from institutions and the network effect. That’s why I focus now on spreading the awareness of the philosophy of free software and the issue of freedom that we’re fighting for. Because if you have some courage and you recognize the harm that they are doing, you can resist.
Q What do you think about the actions by hactivists Anonymous in defence of internet freedoms?
Well, their primary activity consists of a network protest where people send lots of request to a website. It’s the virtual equivalent to having a protest on the street in front of their office.
This is simply democracy. But we live in an age where governments that actually work for the banksters and other major businesses are trying to criminalize all forms of popular political activity. They look for clever ways to punish protests such as besieging protesters for hours. So any change in the way protest is done is an opportunity for them to criminalize it. If people used to protest in the street and now it’s in the network, well they can prohibit protesting in the network and call it an attack.
#putin #freedom #russia #russland #Պուտին #Путин #свобода #Россия
check also: http://publicpost.ru/infographic/id/27/#240 https://spyurk.am/posts/12165
http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1296041&postcount=15 more and more I feel that it is useless to think about such solutions. We try to bypass #aegis limitations, but why do we have them? Why don’t we choose #gta-04 board instead of #Nokia #N9? Because we need glamorous proprietary #swipe, and then we need to find a way to bypass #freedom limitations? It’s like spending our efforts on bypassing limitations instead of improving free systems. #harmattan #maemo #meego #free-software
#Open-Source #Telecommunications #Infrastructure #network #mesh #serval #servalproject #freedom #p2p
Do you remember #Napster? We’re still seeing the impact of the original #peer-to-peer file (read: music) sharing program today. According to Paul Gardner-Stephen, the power of music labels has diminished dramatically as a result of these kinds of activities.
Goksin #Sipahioglu 6 Mai #1968 - Un gendarme mobile relance un pave aux etudiants le defiant sur le boulevard Saint -Michel durant le premier jour des affrontements violents. En tout, 1.045 civils ont ete blesses pendant “le mois des Barricades”. Cluny, Boulevard Saint-Michel, a l’intersection du boulevard Saint-German http://lejournaldelaphotographie.com/fullscreen/4261 #photo #photos #photography #ֆոտո #Փարիզ #Ֆրանսիա #freedom #ազատություն
Goksin #Sipahioglu 6 Mai #1968 - La premiere intervention de la police disperse les manifestants avec des jets d’eau. Cette photo est l’une des deux photos prises a quelques secondes d’intervalle. Paris, Cluny, a l’intersection du boulevard Saint-Germain et de la rue de la Harpe, #Paris, #FRANCE - 6/05/1968 © SIPAHIOGLU #photo #photos #photography #ֆոտո #Փարիզ #Ֆրանսիա #freedom #ազատություն
#Einstürzende-Neubauten - #Nagorny-Karabach #freedom #artsakh #արցախ #ազատություն #armenia #հայաստան
#privacy related talk on a slashdot #realityshow #ciq #carrieriq http://mobile.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=2553980&cid=38232678
#openmoko #surveillance #mobile #freedom
Am besten verzichten sie darauf, ein #Mobiltelefon mit sich herumzutragen – insbesondere ein #Smartphone. Denn die #Gesetzgebung hat noch nicht mit der Tatsache Schritt gehalten, dass wir Peilsender kaufen, mit denen wir auch #telefonieren können. …
#Menschen ändern ihre #Prioritäten. Das tun sie ja auch, wenn sie Kinder bekommen. Dann hören sie auf, so schnell Motorrad zu fahren und fangen an, einen Helm zu tragen. Vielleicht trinken sie weniger – oder mehr, das hängt natürlich von den Kindern ab
#hacker #freedom http://www.zeit.de/digital/datenschutz/2012-02/jacob-appelbaum-interview
This is what allows us to do #reverse-engineering http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use Also, #eula does not really matter, what matters is the #law of the state. So in practice proprietary software is better than #saas cause one can reverse engineer it, and create a free alternative, like in case with drivers, and practicly there are mostly technical ways to prevent it. #reverseengineering #copyright #law #programming #freedom
#Copyright Alert System Coming Within Weeks
American #Internet users can expect to start seeing notifications from their Internet service providers if they trade files on #peer-to-peer networks. http://www.billboard.biz/bbbiz/industry/legal-and-management/copyright-alert-system-coming-within-weeks-1007986052.story #p2p #freedom
http://publicpost.ru/infographic/id/27/#240 Группа #Алиби - ЗаКолЕбал (Вова, прощай!) #putin #freedom #russia #russland #Պուտին #Путин #свобода #Россия http://media.publicpost.ru/public/site/flash_projects/white/tracks/Alibi_-ZaKolEbal(Vova,_proschay!).mp3 #white-album #белый-альбом
When I read these news about #drones, #Watchbird by Robert #Sheckley flashes in my head.
Over the town, the watchbird soared in a long, lazy curve. Its aluminum hide glistened in the morning sun, and dots of light danced on its stiff wings. Silently it flew. Silently, but with all senses functioning. Built-in kinesthetics told the watchbird where it was, and held it in a long search curve. Its eyes and ears operated as one unit, searching, seeking.
http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/29579 http://www.sffaudio.com/?p=24912 #sci-fi #freedom #drone #human-rights #democracy #literature
#windows #rights #copyright #freedom
Chris Soghoian’s articles in aclu.org blog http://www.aclu.org/blog/author/chris-soghoian #analyst #freedom #freedom-of-speech #privacy #web #armenian #rights
The #SmartPhone Who Loved Me: FinFisher Goes Mobile? https://citizenlab.org/2012/08/the-smartphone-who-loved-me-finfisher-goes-mobile/ #reverse-engineering #spy #technologies #mobile #freedom
էս #պլանշետ ը ամենա #վերջ ն է this is a best #tablet ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKUVtGp_AmY #gta-04 #diy #freedom #gnu
Eben Moglen: Why #Freedom of #Thought Requires #Free #Media and Why #Free-Media Require #Free-Software http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKOk4Y4inVY via freedomlog@wk3.org
#բլենդեր ֊ով սարքած նոր ազատ #ֆիլմ ՝ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6MlUcmOul8 #blender #movie #free #freedom