Some people think that training dogs - and, even more so, wolves - is cruel, as if you are going to break their spirit or make them permanently cowed. But far from breaking his spirit, when a dog or wolf knows exactly what is and what is not expected of him his confidence, and as a result his composure, grow immensely. It is a hard truth that, as Friedrich Nietzsche once put it, those who can’t discipline themselves will quickly find somebody else doing it for them. And, for Brenin, it was my responsibility to be that somebody. But the relation between discipline and freedom is a deep and important one: far from being opposed to freedom, discipline is what makes the most worthwhile forms of freedom possible. Without discipline there is no real freedom; there is only license.
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Imperial Mindsets Survive Empires
What is the responsibility of historians and social scientists in the resurgence of imperial solutions to evaluate the present based on the past through critical lenses? Could things have been different in Russia and Turkey had historians and other social scientists been more critical assessors of imperial history, especially when educating the new generations in schools?
Gerard Libaridian on South Caucasus After USSR Collapsed
#history #imperial #empire #empires #mindset #responsibility #science #past #russia #turkey #iran #south-caucasus #armenia #georgia #azerbaijan #freedom #independence