#bitcoin #rms #democracy
This RT journalist is very much along the lines of RT: “Europe is controlled by Russia, because it gets gas from Russia”. Oh.
#rms #free-software #free_software #lawrence_lessig #lessig #freedom
#rms # interview
Putin’s nationalist propaganda resembles the US propaganda used to convince Americans to have faith that the US is the “good guy” in every war, in disregard of all truth. However, Putin’s version is even stronger.
#putin #russia #usa #propaganda #war #peace #rms #stallman #quote
proof of guilt.
Ukrainian rebels have not protected the jetliner’s crash site from looting or disturbance of evidence
@{ Richard Stallman political notes ;} Երք 22 Հլս 2014 02:40:39 AMT
Looting at jetliner crash site
#guilt #ukraine #mh17 #jetliner #rms #russia #freedom #crash #mas17
Ռուսական ապակայունացման արշաւը գործի է դրուել է արեւելեան Ուկրայինայում, ռազմական ներխուժման սպառնալիք դառնալով, ինչպէս Ղրիմի դէպքում։
Ռուսաստանը պնդում է, որ ՄՆ֊ի կողմից վարած նմանատիպ ապակայունացման արշաւն է օգնել քշել նախագահ Յանուկովիչին։ Դա կարող է ճիշտ լինել։
Գոյութիւն ունի մոխրագոյն տիրոյթ՝ ապակայունացման արշաւի, եւ իրօք ժողովրդական շարժմանը աջակցելու մէջ։ Ինչքան թափանցիկ է արշաւը, այնքան հասարակութիւնը աւելի է տիրապետում իրավիճակին, որը նշանակում է, որ արշաւը այնքան էլ վատը չէ։ Արեւելեան Ուկրայինայի «խռովութիւնները» շատ կասկածելի հոտ ունեն ինձ համար։
Խարկովում շէնք գրաւածները հեռացուել են Ուկրայինական ուժերի միջոցով։ Ես չեմ քննադատի դա, եթէ դա չի արուել կոպիտ ձեւով։ Այնուամենայնիւ, իրենց ահաբեկիչ անուանելը վտանգաւոր գործողութեան օրինակ է։ Շէնք գրաւելը դեռ ահաբեկչութիւն չէ։
ԱՄՆ֊ում ցուցարարները նոյնպէս մեղադրուել են «ահաբեկչութեան» մէջ։ Եւ մի մոռացէք Գրինփիսի ակտիւիստներին, որ մեղադրւում էին «ծովահէնութեան» գործով Ռուսաստանում։
A Russian destabilization campaign is under way in eastern Ukraine, threatening a military invasion as in the Crimea.
Russia claims that a similar US-led destabilization campaign helped kick out President Yanukovich. That might well be true.
There is a gray area between a destabilization campaign and aiding a real popular uprising: the subtler the campaign, the more it shades into rallying the public, and the more it is the public that really has control, which means the campaign is not so bad. The “protests” in Eastern Ukraine smell very fishy to me.
The occupiers of a building in Kharkiv were removed by Ukrainian thugs. I won’t criticize that if it was not done in a brutal way. However, calling them “terrorists” is an example of a very dangerous practice. Occupying a building is not terrorism.
Protesters in the US have been accused of “terrorism” too:. And don’t forget the Greenpeace protesters accused of “piracy” in Russia.
#ukraine #russia #rms #maidan #destabilization #украина #россия #дестабилизация ###################
@{ Richard Stallman political notes ;} Հնգ 10 Ապր 2014 09:35:18 AMT
Russian destabilization campaign
#համացանց #internet #rms
@{ Richard Stallman political notes ;} Ուր 28 Մար 2014 01:31:16 AMT
The “Internet of Things”
I believe this video is via @{Chris ;}
#rms #stallman #freedom #ethics #ubuntu #gnu #linux #free-software #privacy #spyware
#rms on #ubuntu #amazon #spyware #surveillance
We who present free software as a defense against malware do not say it is a perfect defense. No perfect defense is known. We don't say the community will deter malware without fail. Thus, strictly speaking, the Ubuntu spyware example doesn't mean we have to eat our words.
But there's more at stake here than whether some of us have to eat some words. What's at stake is whether our community can effectively use the argument based on proprietary spyware. If we can only say, "free software won't spy on you, unless it's Ubuntu," that's much less powerful than saying, "free software won't spy on you."
#rms #freedom #democracy #privacy #interview #drm #obedience #free-software #surveillance
Q Tell me about these malicious features.
There are three kinds: those that spy on the user, those that restrict the user, and back doors. Windows has all three. Microsoft can install software changes without asking permission. Flash Player has malicious features, as do most mobile phones.
‘Any change in the way protest is done is an opportunity for governments to criminalize it.’
Digital handcuffs are the most common malicious features. They restrict what you can do with the data in your own computer. Apple certainly has the digital handcuffs that are the tightest in history. The i-things, well, people found two spy features and Apple says it removed them and there might be more
When people don’t know about this issue they choose based on immediate convenience and nothing else. And therefore they can be herded into giving up their freedom by a combination of convenient features, pressure from institutions and the network effect. That’s why I focus now on spreading the awareness of the philosophy of free software and the issue of freedom that we’re fighting for. Because if you have some courage and you recognize the harm that they are doing, you can resist.
Q What do you think about the actions by hactivists Anonymous in defence of internet freedoms?
Well, their primary activity consists of a network protest where people send lots of request to a website. It’s the virtual equivalent to having a protest on the street in front of their office.
This is simply democracy. But we live in an age where governments that actually work for the banksters and other major businesses are trying to criminalize all forms of popular political activity. They look for clever ways to punish protests such as besieging protesters for hours. So any change in the way protest is done is an opportunity for them to criminalize it. If people used to protest in the street and now it’s in the network, well they can prohibit protesting in the network and call it an attack.