By GTA0x I meant GTA01 and GTA02. GolDeliCo’ so-called “GTA04” is rather badly misnamed: GTA originally stood for “GSM-TI-AGPS”; thus a device that does not use a GSM chipset from TI cannot be properly called GTA0x.
It is also quite misleading that Nikolaus markets his product as an “upgrade” to the good old Openmoko phones, as it is actually a downgrade: it replaces a free-able GSM modem (i.e., one on which the ability to run 100% free fw is within reach) with a non-freeable one, i.e., one on which such freeing is totally out of reach.
#openmoko #gta-04 #gta-02 #gta-0x #gsm #firmware
First small steps toward free GSM firmware This thread is worth to check out. Also this comment
#freedom #free-software #floss #gsm #firmware #gta-02 #gta-0x #gta-04 #openmoko #gsm-ti-agps #ti #free-hardwore #open-hardware #csd #gprs #eminent-domain