ես խնդիր ունեմ՝ ֆֆ֊ն եթէ փակուի, գիտի որ պատուհանը որ աշխատատիրոյթ տանի, իսկ փիջինը չի իմանում։
հետեւաբար ամէն անգամ փիջին անջատել միացնելուց յետոյ երկար դասաւորում եմ պատուհանները։
հիմա աւտոմատացրի էդ խնդիրը։
մի նիշքի մէջ ձեւակերպում եմ որ պատուհանը որ տիրոյթում լինի։ ցանկ ա, զի չգիտեմ որ տաբն ա էդ պահին բաց լինելու, ու ապա որն ա լինելու պատուհանի վերնագիրը։
սա իմ կարգաւորումների նիշքն ա՝
2:oberon spyurk khosenk մերգելեան գրադարան
2:intentionally_blank посторонним_в to_the_ocean_netters-dev ցանցառներ_նախագծում շեքսպ_արեւ_սոնա
3:#pine64 #pinetime #pinephone
3:#pinetab #pinebook
4:#ada #retro ##forth
4:#fpc #oberon #lazarus #pascal
5:#gentoo-powerpc #hellosystem #plan9 #minix #netbsd #freebsd #openbsd #gentoo
5:#maemo-leste #maemo #postmarketos #postmarketos-offtopic
6:#security #opsec
6:privacy-and-security privacy
7:dino_chat blabber_support conversations operators prosody xsf
7:##programming ##tokipona #pidgin #lesswrong
8:#socialhome #thefederation #diaspora #mastodon #scuttlebutt #indieweb
8:dishub fediverse disroot schroedingers_chat 404_English_chat support_for_chat.sum7.eu
9:#roms #ebooks
9:#tilderadio #helpdesk #anonradio
10:#soylent #politics #editorial
11:#photogeeks #darktable
12:openhardware homebrew_server_club modding_fridays openwrt 64sprites
13:onfoss floss linuxforum FSFE_community
13:#windowmaker #icewm
ամէն տիրոյթում ուզում եմ ունենալ երկու պատուհան, ու յստակ տեղում ու յստակ չափսի։
հիմա որ շրջում եմ տիրոյթներով, շատ հաճելի ա տեսնել նոյն ձեւ բաց պատուհաններ, ու խօսակցութիւնները։
սա էլ հիմնականում սկրիպտն ա՝
function find_active_tab_from_list2 {
read -a list <<< "$(printf "%s" "$@")"
local func_result=""
for i in "${list[@]}"
res=`wmctrl -l | grep ${i} | awk {' print $1 '}`
if [[ -n "$res" ]]
echo "$func_result"
այս ֆունկցիան վերնագրերի լիստն ա վերցնում ու գտնում window id֊ն որը պարունակում ա դրանցից մէկը։
(կարելի էր եւ window id չվերադարձնել, այլ հէնց անունն օգտագործել, բայց մտածեցի window id֊ն հաստատ չի կրկնուի)։
սա էլ մնացած սկրիպտի մասն ա՝
if [[ -z $1 ]]
echo "provide config file name"
set -x
var=0 #this is used to check for odd or not to put window on the left or right
while read line
wrkSpc=`echo $line | awk -F ":" {' print $1'}`
winLst=`echo $line | awk -F ":" {' print $2'}`
win=$(find_active_tab_from_list2 "${winLst[@]}")
if [ $((var%2)) -eq 0 ]
wmctrl -i -r $win -t $wrkSpc
wmctrl -i -r $win -e 0,150,50,800,900
wmctrl -i -r $win -t $wrkSpc
wmctrl -i -r $win -e 0,1050,50,800,900
done < $1
նախ ստուգում ա արդեօք կարգաւորումներով ֆայլի անունն ա ստացել, յետոյ տող առ տող առանձնացնում ա տիրոյթը տաբերի անունների ցանկից։
կանչում ա էն ֆունկցիան, ստանում ա պատուհանի համարը ու տեղաւորում այն էն կոորդինատներով որ նշած են։ յաջորդ անգամ միւս կոորդինատներով ա տեղաւորում։
կարելի ա էլի լաւացնել, որ ըստ էկրանի չափսերի աւտոմատ որոշի ոնց տեղաւորի։ դէ ըստ իմ նախընտրութիւնների, ես օդ եմ սիրում, ազատ տարածք այդ պատուհանների միջեւ եւ շուրջը։
սա էլ սկրիպտով պանակը։
#սկրիպտ #էքս #իքս #էքսորգ #իքսորգ #լինուքս #իւնիքս #փիջին #պատուհան #չաթ #էկրանահան
so, we were getting spam on our prosody xmpp. it never happened before, and i wonder where the spammers get our jids from. may it be they were able to scan diaspora pages and get the jid’s from there?
still, so i tried to configure mod_firewall and it wasn’t that easy, i just blocked everything. (: then i used the block-spam.pfw script from the mod_firewall, and tried to send me a message from other server’s users that is not in my roster. did not help.
so eventually mod_block_strangers helped me, and i believe i won’t get spam anytime soon.
#jabber #diaspora #prosody #xmpp #spam #antispam #internet
so, we were getting spam on our prosody xmpp. it never happened before, and i wonder where the spammers get our jids from. may it be they were able to scan diaspora pages and get the jid’s from there?
still, so i tried to configure mod_firewall and it wasn’t that easy, i just blocked everything. (: then i used the block-spam.pfw script from the mod_firewall, and tried to send me a message from other server’s users that is not in my roster. did not help.
so eventually mod_block_strangers helped me, and i believe i won’t get spam anytime soon.
#jabber #diaspora #prosody #xmpp #spam #antispam #internet
this answer to @{Dennis Schubert; denschub@pod.geraspora.de} post seems reasonable.
it is indeed seems possible to map some subset of activitypub to the current diaspora functionality.
moreover that ruby libraries for ap already exists, there needs to be work done on integration, which is not easy, of course, but i think necessary - because otherwise diaspora stays isolated from the rest of federated world.
i think we have to try to create a social demand for this. if there is a demand, these functionality is more likely to be implemented - whether by diaspora team or by the fork.
well, the main problem is, that we have lack of developers, which is because diaspora is not that popular, and it is already a miracle that we have diaspora, and we have the existing team.
#activitypub #diaspora #activity_pub #ap #decentralization #federation #internet
the problem with #fediverse and #diaspora is that when you get a new instance/pod, then the new user of that instance, if they did not have other fediverse presence before, don’t see anyone, and have limited means to discover/find other people: your new instance is not aware of them.
solution often used: create a bot and follow a lot of people from different instances, so that new users have some content. but may be the user would follow someone else, than the bot followed
վերջապէս կը կարողանանք ունենալ տեքստ, ուր նշուած կը լինի, որ հանգոյցը փակ ա, բայց հրաւէր ստանալը՝ հնարաւոր։ #սփիւռք
@{ diaspora* HQ ; hq@pod.diaspora.software} 6/25/2019, 4:18:36 AM
diaspora* version released!
As scheduled, a new minor release is now released. Over the past six weeks, we have managed to collect 15 commits made by 6 contributors for this minor release.
A huge thanks to all the contributors from diaspora*’s amazing community! If you want to help make diaspora* even better, please check out our getting started guide. Please see the changelog for a complete list of changes made in this release.
Notable Changes
- Fixed a regression where enabling Two-Factor authentication did not remember logins
- Added info message for people without an account reaching a closed pod
- Made headline sizes more appropriate
- Smaller fixes for some papercuts
For podmins, update instructions are available as usual in the wiki. For those of you who have been testing the release candidate, run
git checkout master
before the update to get back to the stable release branch.
Next minor freeze ( 2019-07-28
Next release ( 2019-08-04diaspora* Rapid Release: ICS feed, HTML version.
#diaspora #announcement #release #07120
since @{Fla; fla@diaspora-fr.org} told me diaspora keeps the full versions of the uploaded images, and it will be possible to get full versions via click after update, and also since #flickr changes the way it works, i may consider to again show off my photos on diaspora.
for that i think of ways to automate that, because i did not share on diaspora for years, and i’d like to have many photos in my profile.
i guess i might use this https://github.com/produnis/myscripts/blob/master/python/pic2diaspora.py and try to not flood here by posting one picture in an hour? because i have so many pictures that haven’t been uploaded to diaspora.
or may be there’s a better script. i am not an expert in python, i see the https://github.com/marekjm/diaspy/tree/master/diaspy gets deprecated, and may be i’ll end up writing something myself from scratch.
#diaspora #automation
are there decentralized photo communities out there? i only know mediagoblin. diaspora is not actual since they started to reduce sizes of photographs.
what would you suggest? the ideal solution is not only the software which i can host on my server, but also a community of photographers. #photo #diaspora #mediagoblin #decentralization
hey, #diaspora #podmin, #podmins, #devs. yesterday evening i have logged in to my server, and noticed, there are delays. run ‘top’ and saw ~120 load average. opened a production.log, it was scrolling like crazy.
then noticed that someone somewhere, may be on irc, wrote that geraspora is down, and then, that geraspora is back. and i guess, may be geraspora came back and started to send a lot of messages to other servers, and my machine is weak small server, and it was under the load because of that? i have tried to reboot, and saw that my server is ok, just it has to process a lot. so did anyone experience sloweness (my server was under such a load it was unusable) . and then i saw that the log does not scroll as fast, and load average started to go down. and then i did not touch anything, just server became useable. do any of you have monitoring logs, did you have cpu/memory usage peaks in the evening?
i have been written this comparison two months ago in armenian, when set up local mastodon instance. let me try to translate.
so diaspora vs mastodon.
— diaspora has markdown support — mastodon has not. — diaspora provides atom feeds — mastodon does not։ (the comment under armenian post says that mastodon version 2.3.1 actually provides atom feeds) — diaspora has mail like system — mastodon has no։ — diaspora has real time chat — mastodon has no։ — diaspora can strip geolocation information from images. — diaspora can crosspost to twitter, facebook, tumblr, wordpress. mastodon cannot. — diaspora has post preview. — recent feature - diaspora provides embedded players for media links.
— it is possible to follow/subscribe to the tag in diaspora. in mastodon as i understand, you can pin the tag and see it always in one of the columns of desktop web view.
— mastodon streams are autoupdating. as i understand they use push, and it’s very fast. also i like it because you see life is happening. diaspora page has to be reloaded manually, it only shows notification count. — diaspora has no API, mastodon has. — that’s why there are several useful applications for mastodon, but no one for diaspora. — mastodon allows to customize your page a bit more, and to choose that long header image. — mastodon has user data import/export, therefore migration, but that’s coming to diaspora. — mastodon provides a feature to silence not only a person, but node or tag. — mastodon provides separate stream for all public posts on a node, and that i find useful. — it’s much easier to set up local community rules from the admin interface. — admin interface has much more features.
in diaspora, in my opinion, people not from our node usually tend to not write, but share links or images. also, they are mostly from europe, and leftist. let’s take in to consideration, that american lefts are right compared to european lefts.
in mastodon people from not our node usually come from twitter background, therefore the text is more common there. even if it’s realtime shitposting, i love that. also, they seem different to me, not necessarily mostly left. there seem to be more people, and more technical as well. it looks like there are more life than in diaspora.
#diaspora #mastodon #community #technology #culture
i believe, very necessary feature in diaspora is search for user’s posts, tagged with some tag.
let’s say i want to see what i, or this user have been written about it. #diaspora
it looks like a very good design decision of mastodon developer(s) to show in the mastodon instance window posts of the contact your node knows about, but if you want to see all the posts, there is a link to the person’s original page at their instance. diaspora has no such link, so we cannot explore posts by someone which our pod anaware of. #diaspora #mastodon
my diaspora uses postgresql-9.5. i have also postgresql-10 now, and two different startup scripts.
how do i move (or should i?) the diaspora db to postgre-10 ? #diaspora
@{Սև կատու; alils_@spyurk.am}, may be you can answer?
if i upgrade prosody to 0.10, will diaspora modules continue to work? #diaspora #prosody
@{անկապ; ach94er@spyurk.am} @{n/a; bigosya@spyurk.am} @{չարանենգ վիշապաքաղ; tanamasi@spyurk.am} @{դինջ; lubekar@spyurk.am} ապրէք։
@{ Dennis Schubert ; denschub@pod.geraspora.de} 11/12/2017, 12:45:37 PM
Last week, our translation platform WebTranslateIt posted a nice and short “interview” about diaspora*!
Nice opportunity to say thank you to our translation community. If you are one of the almost 600 people (!!) helping us translate diaspora* into almost 100 languages, you are awesome.
I know we usually mainly promote people contributing code, but that’s because we don’t have simple access to a list of everyone who helped out with translations. We really love you all.
Have a look at the list of top translators. Do you recognize some name? If so, send them some love and cookies. As of right now, everyone in the top 100 has translated more than 200 individual strings with the top 30 having more than 1000 strings. I rarely look at numbers, but this is quite mind-blowing. <3
#diaspora #webtranslateit
via @{diaspora* HQ ; hq@pod.diaspora.software}
our pod is 5 years old. photos of an attempted dignity attempted birthday party here. #diaspora #attempted_dignity
do we have an estimation of real, active diaspora users? not the quantity of accounts, because obviously, if we don’t delete old accounts, quantity should slowly grow, which we see. so we see the slow growth, but i have an impression, when i go back several years and see some posts, that diaspora was more alive place back then. with more comments, discussions and posts.
i also have an impression, that mostly the core of dedicated users remained, others left, some came, but the social economics is sustained mostly by that dedicated core, which may be cannot imagine itself in some other place, but should anyway notice that the economy stagnates. economy with circulating likes and comments. (:
so is that only my impression? #diaspora
such a nice screenshot by @{Fla ; fla@diaspora-fr.org} from this amazing video from an amazing event!. thank you for all the seemingly unnoticeable but very important contributions.
who is therealtalk.org podmin? #diaspora i need to contact him regarding one user who cannot login, and probably forgot the email she’ve used. (:
this guy suggests to use separate stream for each of the languages you write in.
so that’s good i have two separate streams. i even think, what if i move English language posts from my earlier account to this stream, and if db hacks would help me. #diaspora #language
let me tell yo usomething, people of diaspora.
though some times what i read here is very frustrating, but i have to tell you that the quality of discussions and the kind of topics, and the level of education of some people here is outstanding. i really enjoy being a part of this community.
thank you. #diaspora
as i understand first uploaded to the post picture is not necessarily shown first. i cannot understand how, based on which criteria, diaspora chooses the sequence to show uploaded pictures. #diaspora
i have three problems with my pod.
server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.
it’s a same host.
i am unable to make web chat to work. everything seems to be configured according to manuals. need to chat about it.
if I use prosody modules from https://wiki.diasporafoundation.org/Integration/XMPP/Prosody - roster from diaspora friends is not being built. however if i use old custom modules sent to me by @jhass then the roster is built.
if you want your own diaspora pod, but have only shared hosting with php, then this might be good for you.
https://github.com/TheBojda/Diaspora-in-Wordpress #diaspora #wordpress
Diaspora differs from Facebook or Google in the same way, as free market differs from central planning.
#diaspora #facebook #google #central_planning #free_market #freedom
It is often said that the government is not able to use money/resources efficiently. As efficient as private entrepreneurs can. Well, I agree.
However recently I’ve seen a couple of proprietary software projects, which were closed by the authors. You cannot download the mobile application. There is no website. It’s over.
And I have thought about community projects, collaborative projects. It looks like sometimes community projects can be even more efficient, because(if) they have no(limited) means to earn money. They decrease expenses as much as possible, and design software accordingly. And they can be more sustainable, though they have no income. Of course it depends on the community size. Number of speakers of the technology. (:
An example? Consider failed social network start-up. Now consider Diaspora. Social network start-up had to pay a lot for servers and infrastructure. Keep a space, and developers. Diaspora is hosted in different places, even on cheap one board computers. That’s about design and efficiency. Of course it has problems, and the development is not that fast as desirable. But the project is very efficient in some aspects.
#design #efficiency #free_software #software #diaspora #social_network #web #freedom #technology #sustainability
let’s face it. diaspora is loosing in competition with corporate social networks. most of us don’t have our real-life friends here. i am cut from my society, from local political discussions, from cats who live with my friends, because i am not on facebook. that’s a loss. and that’s because diaspora, and other decentralized social networks loose.
we create our own interconnected world, but we lost connection with the other world, most people live in.
well, that’s not a big deal, may be. it’s just a diaspora. but this relates to other important technologies that loose. we failed to explain why it’s better to encrypt emails. why it’s better to use xmpp/tox. why it’s better to use free software. we failed.
and partly because we are doing “marketing” wrong.
who uses diaspora, and what kind of propaganda do we see here most of the times? leftist/anarchist points of view mostly. where is the other part of the society?
I believe, it’s perfectly right thing to have your own server.
If you think you should have a gun, then you also should want to have your own server and encrypt emails.
But we don’t market technologies with slogans like that. And this is partly why we loose. And when we loose, it’s not only about technologies, it’s about ideas. Our ideas fail. That’s why this is important.
P. S. sometimes we gain power. big part of software developers already want to not depend on corporations and prefer using free software for their projects. that’s why microsoft and apple had to open source their development tools. but these are developers. we need regular people to use free and decentralized technologies, and when facebook/google/twitter will change. facebook will adopt something like ostatus, or whatever it be, if he looses users in case he does not. google was using “don’t be evil” until it did not harm it’s commercial interests. so even company which did not want to be “evil” had to become in order to compete. Why? because of us. And because of our wrong marketing.
People don’t get us. They think we are a couple of religious fanatics. Because we behave like them. So they have a point.
#diaspora #free_software #xmpp #jabber #pgp #gpg #encryption #crypto #marketing #competition
i have noticed several times, and i don’t like this behaviour of diaspora, when I write 0. something, 1. something, … it turns 0 to one, and 1 to 2… why? may be i want to count from zero?
#diaspora #count
@{Antranig Vartanian ; antranigv@spyurk.am} have reminded me about Psi jabber client.
what I like: — it tells you if someone removes you from their roster (contact list). Even if someone removed you from Diaspora aspects and you use Diaspora jabber. (: — if you get a message, it does not appear at your screen in a new window. You just see notification, you have to click on it to get the message. — you can send a message to an exact client of your contact - to the phone or to the desktop. — i love sounds.
what’s missing: — not sure if it’s good or bad that it lacks user avatars. — otr plugin, and probably extensibility.
#psi #jabber #xmpp #diaspora #client #chat #talk
#dandelion #diaspora #book #history #flower #tudor #ashmole #ashmole_manuscript #picture
spyurk.am at the map of diaspora nodes. I wish there would have been one in Artsakh too. Every time I go there we discuss possibilities of running a node with my friends. But it is not easy, internet is less affordable there and quality of life is not high. After all this state is in blockade and in semi-war situation. By the way, this small, but headstrong and freedom-loving nation deserves attention not less than Palestine. Just it’s not as known and “promoted”. I hope they’ll be able to solve all problems and will have their own nodes. (:
#artsakh #yerevan #stepanakert #shoushi #spyurk #diaspora #screenshot #map #freedom #internet
i think having possibility to search through one’s tags is essential.
may be someone wants to post a bounty for this issue?
I wonder is decentralization sustainable by design?
#decentralization #diaspora #friendica #identica #design #sustainability #game-theory #mathematics
does greasemonkey’s “Quote post” work for you in firefox 31? It seems it’s not working here after ff upgrade.
#greasemonkey #firefox #diaspora
since today, thanks to @{Jonne Haß ; mrzyx@social.mrzyx.de} we have xmpp on Diaspora* at spyurk.am (:
this is howto from Jonne. Podmins, go on! (:
#diaspora #xmpp #jabber #chat
it’s interesting that topics I believed are interesting only for my Armenian followers, themes I don’t share on my English language profile are still get attention in this Armenian language only stream.
May be that was a mistake to separate streams? May be I can just keep one mixed profile?
#diaspora #languages #streams #armenian #english #posts
@{ Փրչրթան✱ Թանաքեան ; norayr@spyurk.am} Հնգ 05 Հնս 2014 12:00:48 AMT
#խատուտիկ #սփիւռք #մակրո #լուսանկար
#diaspora #dandelion #closeup #photo #photos
ահա, այս քարտէզում էլ կանք։ ։Ճ
#սփիւռք #քարտէզ #հայաստան #երեւան #էկրանահան #diaspora #map #armenia #yerevan #screenshot #windowmaker
The most important open and standard technologies to decentralize the web are openid and rss / atom feeds.
Let’s see how far social networks went in supporting these technologies.
It turned out, gplus provides openid, and works as rss reader (they killed reader for that).
That means we cannot follow google users from here(gplus is not federated), while they actually can follow us by subscribing to our atom feeds.
I remember there were discussions and bugs opened.
Just want to say - these features may deserve more attention.
#diaspora #development #web #decentralization #rss #atom #openid #technologies #freedom
my friend prepared a script that transfers posts from rss feed to diaspora.
@{ ասոցիալական ցանց ; hanuman@spyurk.am} Ուր 31 Հնվ 2014 02:19:38 AMT
Վայելեք ։) , RSS-ներից դիասպորա փոսթ անող սքրիփթ
#shell #script #automation #cliaspora #Diaspora #Spyurk #RSS #ավտոմատացում #սփյուռք #tool #ապրեմես։)
Mozilla Ichnaea
okay, we need to port it to #maemo #meego #jolla #sailfish #sailfish-os #nemomobile #ubuntu-touch #ubuntu, and then we need #diaspora to use #mozilla #geolocation instead of #google. (:
API: https://mozilla-ichnaea.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
The author of this poster doesn’t know about decentralization. We have more people - we need more network nodes. It can be new jabber server or now diaspora pod, or new mail server. (:
#decentralization #diaspora #network #jabber
@{ SouL ; thesoul@joindiaspora.com} Երկ 23 Դեկ 2013 03:17:00 AMT
#funny #future
Aside of using #amazon, #joindiaspora uses #google-analytics.
#Amazon only stores your data, but #google-analytics knows your behavior. Everything about eulalie you: where did you stop by for a while, and where did you went after.
#diaspora #privacy #google #surveillance
I just enjoy it https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/pull/3803#discussion_r4065568
#diaspora #osm #locator #location #openstreetmap
#screenshot #diaspora #էկրանահան #լրահոս #սփյուռք #սփիւռք
Նատյուրմորտ խատուտիկներով Still life with dandelions Натюрморт с одуванчиками #1993 #dandelions #Boris-Smelov #photo #photography #still-life #խատուտիկ #խատուտիկներ #Բորիս֊Սմելով #նատյուրմորտ #ֆոտո #լուսանկարներ #натюрморт #одуванчики #Борис-Смелов #фото #фотография
#diaspora #սփյուռք #սփիւռք
#Dandelions #1995 #Boris-Smelov ( who was banned in USSR )
#diaspora #սփյուռք
#photography #street-photography #photos #city #ban #censorship #Leningrad #Saint-Petersburg #ֆոտո #լուսանկարներ #քադաք #գրաքննություն #Լենինգրադ #Սանկտ֊Պետերբուրգ #фото #город #цензура #Ленинград #Санкт-Петербург #Петербург
#diaspora #irc #talk #chat #smile #pacman #զրույց
hm, we experienced this ``` Redis::CommandError (OOM command not allowed when used memory > ‘maxmemory’.)
and I had to change overcommit memory to 1 and increase maxmem size to 128mb so that #redis could start. #diaspora
[բնօրինակ սփիւռքում(եւ մեկնաբանութիւննե՞ր)](https://spyurk.am/posts/a208698d0faec251)
commented in a #diaspora discussion at #hacker-news https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5069507 the whole thread is here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5006553 #capitalism #freedom #facebook #science #internet
how to get listed in https://diasp.eu/stats page? #diaspora
#Diaspora #սփյուռք #spyurk #dandelion #photo #photography #zenit bi #Anastasia-Danielyan