կեցցէ՛ #բլմ ֊ն, կեցցէ՛։
խանութը բացուել էր 1911֊ին եւ դարձել համայնքի անբաժան մաս, եւ շարունակում էր լինել այն՝ տեղ ուր հնարաւոր է ձեռք բերել խցիկ, եւ դրա հետ կապուած բաներ, կամ ժապաւէն երեւակել֊տպել լաբում։ Խանութը պատկանում էր Ռոդ ընտանիքին, մինչեւ ութ տարի առաջ չանցաւ Փոլ Վիլետին եւ Թոմ Գրեմին՝ Գրեմն արդէն 41 տարի է ինչ աշխատել էր խանութում մինչ այն ձեռք բերելը։
Սա պարզապէս շէնք չէր՝ ներսում մարդկանց յիշողութիւններն էին։ Դա ինչ ինձ տանջում է։ Մի կին նոր էր եկել երկուշաբթի եւ բերել էր իր տատիկ֊պապիկների դպրոցական նկարը, որ այն վերականգնուի։ Ես թողել էի այն իմ սեղանին։ Հիմա այն չկայ։ Հիմա ոչ մի բան չկայ։
#ֆոտո #պատմութիւն #ժապաւէն
@{ petapixel (unofficial) ; petapixel@spyurk.am} 02.09.2020, 23:01:28
109-Year-Old Rode’s Camera Shop Burned Down in Kenosha
Rode’s Camera Shop, a 109-year-old camera store, burned down last week during rioting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, sparked by the shooting of 29-year-old African-American man Jacob Blake by a police officer.
The store first opened in 1911 and became a fixture in the community for over a century as a place to buy camera gear and get photos processed in the lab. The business was owned by the Rode family until eight years ago when it was purchased by business partners Paul Willette and Tom Gram. Gram had worked at the store for 41 years prior to taking over.
“This was just a building, but people’s memories were inside. That’s what is killing me,” Willette tells Kenosha News. “A woman had just come in Monday and brought in a photo of her grandparents in elementary school, wanting it to be restored. I left it on my desk. Now it’s all gone. Our customers lost family memories.”
As camera sales shrunk in recent years, the store was able to stay in business thanks to its photo lab and services.
“We didn’t make a ton of money doing this, but we loved it. We loved our customers,” Willette continues.
“We understand the protests, but why destroy these businesses?” Gram tells Kenosha News.
Rode’s Camera Shop in Kenosha, WI was in operation since 1911. Burned down and destroyed last week. But don’t worry, now Amazon can just provide camera equipment to Kenosha residents instead. Nice going rioters
– Michael Tracey (@mtracey) September 2, 2020
President Donald Trump visited the burned-down camera store on Tuesday during his tour of Kenosha.
President Donald Trump stands with former store owner John Rode and his family at the burned-down building. Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead
Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead
Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead
Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead
The camera store is also at the center of new controversy today related to the role it played in Trump’s tour. It was reported that the co-owners had declined President Trump’s request to be part of the visit and photo op.
“I think everything he does turns into a circus and I just didn’t want to be involved in it,” Gram tells WTMJ.
“I said no, thank you — I didn’t want anything to do with President Trump,” Willette tells the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. “If it were any other president I would, but not this one. I can’t begin to describe my frustration with him. I politely declined coming down there. I didn’t want to be part of that fiasco.”
After Gram declined, President Trump brought in former owner John Rode III (seen in the official White House photos above). Rode still owns the property, but the president is being accused of being deceptive by introducing Rode as “owner of Rode’s Camera Shop” and referring to it as Rode’s store.
“I just appreciate President Trump coming today; everybody here does,” Rode told reporters gathered at the building. “We’re so thankful that we got the federal troops in to help because once they got here, things did calm down quite a bit. And our city police and sheriff and fire departments are awesome. They worked harder than you can believe, 24/7.”
Gram tells WTMJ that he’s disappointed that Rode’s views were presented as those of current ownership.
“I think he needs to bring this country together rather than divide it,” Gram says. “I think there’s a lot of good people in this community and to say that only law enforcement is correct is not the message we need to hear right now.”
While Gram, 64, says he’ll probably retire earlier than he had wanted to, Willette, 50, tells Kenosha News he’ll be dusting off his resume to “find out what it’s like to look for a job in this economy.”
The duo is also hoping to perhaps keep the photography service side of their business going, but the century-old Rode’s (as the community knew it) is likely gone for good.
Image credits: Header photo by Google Street View
#culture #industry #news #burned #burneddown #camerastore #jacobblake #kenosha #rioting #riots #rodescamerashop #unrest posted by pod_feeder_v2
note the version number՝ because texas instruments because proprietary
#development #maemo #maemo-leste #droid4 #maserati #omap #powervr #pvr #version #culture
it seems people usually understand “nothing” as dark, black. in the techno subculture, where “we don’t show off” — people choose no colour — black colour. in other words - blank, empty.
wait, but blank means white in a number of languages. first i know it from esperanto, where blanko is white. ‘blanc’ in french means white. ‘blanco’ in spanish. ‘bianco’ in italian.
so emptyness, depending on perception, can be black or white. or other colour?
indeed, if we think in rgb colourspace way, then nothing — 0, 0, 0 is black. however, in cmyk way, nothing is when you print nothing on a white paper. so nothing is actually white. so is the paper. in number of languages empty list of paper is blank.
#perception #colour #language #techno #esperanto #french #spanish #italian #zero #nothing #empty #culture
“Think about wind,” says Ching. “It can blow open doors, blow cool air off a body of water to the land surrounding it, or fire from one part of the forest to another. The door analogy relates to TCM’s understanding of how exposure to wind can weaken our body’s defenses.”(Perhaps as a permutation of these ideas, East Asia has numerous ancillary superstitions about air and wind, the most notable of which is a deathly fear of sleeping in rooms with running electric fans, a belief that has its epicenter in Korea, where “fan death” phobia remains rampant even today.)
@{քամի; o_o@spyurk.am} #wind #masks #asia #culture
i have been written this comparison two months ago in armenian, when set up local mastodon instance. let me try to translate.
so diaspora vs mastodon.
— diaspora has markdown support — mastodon has not. — diaspora provides atom feeds — mastodon does not։ (the comment under armenian post says that mastodon version 2.3.1 actually provides atom feeds) — diaspora has mail like system — mastodon has no։ — diaspora has real time chat — mastodon has no։ — diaspora can strip geolocation information from images. — diaspora can crosspost to twitter, facebook, tumblr, wordpress. mastodon cannot. — diaspora has post preview. — recent feature - diaspora provides embedded players for media links.
— it is possible to follow/subscribe to the tag in diaspora. in mastodon as i understand, you can pin the tag and see it always in one of the columns of desktop web view.
— mastodon streams are autoupdating. as i understand they use push, and it’s very fast. also i like it because you see life is happening. diaspora page has to be reloaded manually, it only shows notification count. — diaspora has no API, mastodon has. — that’s why there are several useful applications for mastodon, but no one for diaspora. — mastodon allows to customize your page a bit more, and to choose that long header image. — mastodon has user data import/export, therefore migration, but that’s coming to diaspora. — mastodon provides a feature to silence not only a person, but node or tag. — mastodon provides separate stream for all public posts on a node, and that i find useful. — it’s much easier to set up local community rules from the admin interface. — admin interface has much more features.
in diaspora, in my opinion, people not from our node usually tend to not write, but share links or images. also, they are mostly from europe, and leftist. let’s take in to consideration, that american lefts are right compared to european lefts.
in mastodon people from not our node usually come from twitter background, therefore the text is more common there. even if it’s realtime shitposting, i love that. also, they seem different to me, not necessarily mostly left. there seem to be more people, and more technical as well. it looks like there are more life than in diaspora.
#diaspora #mastodon #community #technology #culture
many things we learn are about culture. the culture is not less important than the actual ‘knowledge’. let’s say you write a program. you may write it in hundreds of ways, but when you have a culture of unix programming, you may prefer to make it usable with pipeline. that’s not about programming, purely, that’s about the culture. or may be you have the culture to write a markdown, or you know the wiki syntax. that’s about the culture, and having the culture is as important as other skills.
and i am very much frustrated, that when somebody around has culture, it’s not close to the culture i have adopted. well i have chosen my culture, so i have chosen to not be understood. but it’s not on purpose. it’s just the way it is.
i sometimes notice that i differ. when i communicate. during the barcamp meeting someone sent me an attachment, and i’ve received it, saved with alpine, and a girl sitting next to me said something like ‘i swear by my mother’s name!’ and i realized she experienced some cultural shock, and then i noticed that i am different.
however, it’s not a pleasurable feeling, to be different always. i would prefer not to. i would prefer many people with similar culture around, so that i would feel better understood, and i would have more fun socializing. something like that. aha. #culture
one of the most important messages for me from Simak’s “City” is that number of speakers matters, size of the community matters. Not that I did not know or acknowledge that, but the book made me sober again about it.
Humanity cannot develop if there’s only one city of us.
Social network cannot develop if there’s not enough people. Diaspora pretty much stuck, because many say ‘it’s lonely here’, life happens at other places, like twitter.
Culture, and national culture cannot develop if there’s not enough people.
(I believe very good example of it are animes and Hayao Miyazaki, or Satoshi Kon. If there would be no possibility to be an animator in Japan, and Hayao would work as an animator in let’s say USA, nobody would allow him to make the films he would like to and as he would like to. There’s a different culture of making films. And there was a necessity in big enough Japanese, local market, to cover anime production costs, in order to make possible sustainable creation of them. And after they have been made, they can be exported to the other countries as is. And people in other countries would appreciate the difference of making.)
Operating system, and even flavour of it (like Sailfish) needs a number of users and developers. (Which it did not get, just like diaspora.)
And of course programming language needs a number of speakers to create an ecosystem around it.
#communities #city #simak #culture #programming
cool place at saint petersburg
#culture #art #gallery #petersburg #city #map #screenshot #floors #cool #hipster #cafe #exhibition #space
Today I have watched Woody Allen’s “Irrational man” film at the “Moscow” cinema theatre in Yerevan. (: And now I am sitting at my balcony, it is raining outside, and I feel cosy writing this post.
I believe Woody is a great director. He knows people very well. And he tries to make deep works. Alas, not often people notice that. There were only 7 couples at the screening. I think it’s not a coincidence that Woody gave up trying to get money for films in USA. He works in Europe now. I just checked, surprisingly, this movie was produced in USA. This situation makes me think about how to make good films in case of free market? My usual guess is that when you have big enough market, then you have enough minority, which will pay for good films, thus they can be produced. However, it seems that even USA market is not big enough.
Whatever, this is a film about a man, who spent almost all of his life in the struggle for fairness. And he paid high price for it - deaths of close people, suffered a serious illness. Eventually he got despair, depression. He failed to make world a better place.
In particular because he was struggling by peaceful means. While the world around him was struggling against him with not very fair, peaceful means. That’s how fair meed fails.
Now this man decides to make something against the cruel system. Some small, but important thing. The difference is that he feels that he exhausted all the peaceful and legal ways to make a change. He decides to act illegally. And he thinks he can win. However the film is about that he cannot win, that fairness cannot win in this world.
Even if the world consists of beautiful and clever amazing girls around who think they believe in fairness.
So he confesses to his girl under the pressure, by having the naive belief that she can understand him. Wasn’t she understanding before? She had so much empathy for his past privations. Of course girl does not understand him. Firstly, I believe, because she is too young. And secondly, because that is not her struggle in reality. It only seems cool to be around someone who has seen life. Yes, there was a disadvantage - he considered himself a looser. However he very soon got back to life, because he got back to struggle for fairness. And she naively thought that she made him back by her “love”. And as we saw, she was unable to accept the man who fights now. She returned to her nice guy former boyfriend, whom she dumped for the philosopher previously, and who did not show any sign of concerns about humanity, justice, etc. Yes, he could buy a ticket for a political satire. That’s what every decent person should do. Buy a ticket and enjoy politics in the theatre.
May be she was unable to accept him, because she did not love him. Or she was in love more with her perception of him, not the real him, who values many other things, not only pretty young girls. He wasn’t loved by the woman who wanted to get to Spain either. They both were just using him to satisfy personal needs. Why would he take that woman to Spain. What for? Why cannot he find other one in Europe? And why he is sure she won’t dump him in Spain to find someone even more convenient? Does she deserve to be taken there? Because he believes in people.
May be the difference between these women was that the young was not aware of her motives, but the older was. She clearly had known what does she need. And she would not pass the philosopher in to the hands of police, not because of her values, but because she eventually found someone convenient.
Also, this movie is about our inability to distinguish between situations where we have to be honest, and where we don’t. This is what the philosopher stressed right in the beginning of the movie by asking his students if they would tell the police about the thief who is hiding at the neighbour’s flat, or not. Then he challenged them with the question if they would tell Nazis about Frank’s family, just for the sake of honesty.
Roy, young boyfriend of the girl, welcomes her back. However I believe she deserves a the other outcome. It’s not fair when people get positive reinforcement for negative actions. Russians have this tale about broken through. That tale is about fairness. Because those, who don’t get negative reinforcement, take people for granted and tend to continue to abuse their friendship.
I believe Woody makes films very close to real life. Indeed, that guy would accept her back. Without even one salty word. But this time. Not the next.
Also, this abandoned husband. He said: “think again” to her. What about? He had to say “go to hell”. But he did not.
Both of them, the boy and the husband may think that they got lucky. However I believe they’ve missed a chance to know who is their real friend, and who is not. If they wanted to see.
The other question is - do they really need a friend? A close person they can trust? Or they need a cool chick/man who will take to Spain/etcetera? Also, the men. Who do they need?
Roy will surround that girl with love and kindness, will make everything for her to feel comfortable and cosy. Will she answer equally? I doubt it. Because it’s not clear she can love at all.
May be nobody is able to love, just people find convenient variants, coinciding interests. I don’t know.
Woody skilfully exposes people’s behavioural patterns. Patterns, we often don’t notice ourselves. Or even if we do we have no strength or will to behave differently.
That is when I think about how many similarities people have. Not only exterior similarities. And how predictable are they.
And me.
I have noticed “The Idiot” and Hanna Arendt’s name in the frame for a short time. It seems Allen loves Dostoevsky, it is not a first time he refers to him. May be his works will be taught in the future, just like today Dostoevsky’s works are taught or considered as must read, who knows.
#cinema #movie #woody_allen #irrational_man #review #thoughts #people #dostoevsky #hanna_arendt #existentialism #philosophy #understanding #crime #justice #struggle #fairness #patterns #script #love #relationship #relationships #humans #usa #europe #culture #market #freedom
Lavash, the preparation, meaning and appearance of traditional bread as an expression of culture in Armenia
#lavash #armenia #bread #culture #unesco
We got where we are by ignoring outsiders and believing in ourselves even when nobody else would. The decades have proved that our way was largely right and the critics were wrong, so our habit of not listening has become deeply entrenched.
Pretty much every statistic we can track has shown fewer women getting computer science degrees and working as engineers compared to the 80’s.
#nerd #culture
My country is sick with aggressive ignorance, nationalism and imperialistic megalomania.
Civilization reached dead end. Science, education, cognition, art did not succeed in taming human aggression. Formerly it seemed that culture is able to overcome these self-destructive aspirations, but I’m afraid human race has almost no time left.
In German: https://magazin.spiegel.de/digital/index_SP.html#SP/2014/34/128743771
In Russian: http://www.inopressa.ru/article/18Aug2014/spiegel/ulitskaya.html
#deutsch #german #russian #ulitskaya #russia #aggression #imperialism #civilization #culture #art
found here
#mask #photo #production #guy-fawkes #guy-fawkes-mask #slavery #culture #freedom
այս ֆիլմը առցանց փաստօրէն միայն այստեղ է։
ogv֊ով իմ մատեանում պահեցի։
(watch the “Noah” movie here or here
գտնւած է Արեգի միջոցով։
#love #screencast #internet #movie #short #culture #սէր #էկրանահան #համացանց #ֆիլմ #կարճամետրաժ #անկեղծություն #հարաբերություն #մշակոյթ #մշակույթ #անկեղծութիւն
The New York City group with the highest percentage of high school graduates isn’t Chinese or Indians; it’s Ukrainians (94.4%). But rarely are we treated to encomiums about the cultural superiority of the Borscht Mom.
And culture is rarely either an unambiguously good force or an unambiguously bad one. Thus, Confucian values of education and family fealty certainly are one factor in explaining why Chinese students from low-income backgrounds do better than their peers. But as we’ve seen, that’s not the whole story. Meanwhile, many in China would like to see less conformity in their culture, believing that it inhibits much of the freethinking that powers creativity and innovation in America and that it results in a citizenry that passively tolerates suppression of dissent and censorship of the Internet.
It’s not conformity that makes this country great; it’s an individual striking out against the expectations of his culture, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg dropping out of Harvard, Miles Davis coming out of heroin addiction to produce ‘Round About Midnight, the 14-year-old Billie Holiday turning the pain of her childhood into the bluest beauty, Sylvia Plath taking on death with pills and poetry, William S. Burroughs writing from the bowels of his addiction in Naked Lunch; it’s Hemingway and Fitzgerald and Cheever and Carver drinking and writing, writing and drinking through their demons. Imagine what American culture would be if American artists had kept a tight check on their impulses.
#conformity #freedom #democracy #culture #usa #india #ukraine #hemingway #fitzerald #cheever #carver #writing #education #suppression #censorship #china #freethinking
I have started a new repository: https://github.com/norayr/archaeology
Currently it contains ported to fpc sources of Eliza AI chat program, and console tetris. (:
#archaeology #culture #history #anthropology #eliza #tetris #console #pascal #fpc #freepascal #source
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvbf7wqwlbs #language #imperialism #culture
It was a very different #culture in those days. If the American #people read today about the U.S. #bombing a country like it did #Vietnam in the #sixties, they would get very upset about it. But in those days, people didn’t bat an eyelash. You couldn’t get two people to sit in a room and talk about #Vietnam. There has been a big cultural #change since the sixties, and it’s a great improvement. http://www.chomsky.info/interviews/1992----.htm #chomsky