tetris in sed https://github.com/uuner/sedtris #tetris #shell #unix #sed #bash
I have started a new repository: https://github.com/norayr/archaeology
Currently it contains ported to fpc sources of Eliza AI chat program, and console tetris. (:
#archaeology #culture #history #anthropology #eliza #tetris #console #pascal #fpc #freepascal #source
#աաա՜ էս ի՜նչ #գժանոց է։
Blocks can be rotated and placed at any angle, resulting in a complete mess if not careful. And with the newest cutting edge technology, Not tetris 2 allows line clears when the lines are sufficiently filled. The old mode is still available for play and is now called Stack.
#tetris #not-tetris #nottetris2 #nottetris #not-tetris2 #arcade #physics #idea #game #stack #gameplay #play #տետրիս #խաղ #չտետրիս
via @{Slobodan Kalenić ; kalenic@joindiaspora.com}
#retro #pixel #pixelart #retro-computing #video #short-film #movie #game #atari #spectrum #8bit #new-york #NY #street #city #invaders #space-invaders #arcanoid #wall #tv #pacman #gobbler #subway #tetris
այ այս խաղը, որ ստեղծվել է 1933 -ին մեր իմացած տետրիսի նախնին է՝ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soma_cube this is a predecessor of #tetris which was created in #1933