Radiokolleg - Land der Steine
Kleiner Staat, große Diaspora (2). Gestaltung: Brigitte Voykowitsch
#armenia #deutsch #german #radio
#muppets #muppet #screenshot #film #german #frog #kermit #wanted #belohnung #evilen_froggen #froggen #deutsch #kino
In German there is a word Heimweh (from Heim, which stands for home. It means nostalgy for the home, longing for the home, country, homesickness), and
a word Fernweh, it’s antonym, which means longing for far-off places, desire to travel.
#german #language #deutsch #sprache #heimweh #fernweh
ß letter evolution
#evolution #orthography #german #ß #technology #aesthetics #languages #deutsch #sprache #technologie #entwicklung
Afaik ß letter, “scharfes S” is not used in Switzerland, because they wanted to have a one standard typewriter for three main languages of the confederation. (: That’s interesting, how technology affects and sometimes even shapes aesthetics and even orthography.
#orthography #german #ß #technology #aesthetics #switzerland #languages #deutsch #sprache #technologie
suno ni la mi wile tawa e tomo sitelen.
mi wile pali e poto sitelen pi jan Tosi poka suno kama.
heute möchte ich an die Nationalgalerie gehen, um DDR-Fotografie-Ausstellung zu sehen.
#toki_pona #deutsch
aber diese kinder wüssten gar nicht, dass man fallen könne, sagt der engländer, und deshalb fielen sie nicht.
#armenia #noravank #deutsch
In der Zeit vom 21.8. bis zum 16.9. bin ich in Georgien und Armenien unterwegs.
#armenia #story #georgia #german #deutsch
My country is sick with aggressive ignorance, nationalism and imperialistic megalomania.
Civilization reached dead end. Science, education, cognition, art did not succeed in taming human aggression. Formerly it seemed that culture is able to overcome these self-destructive aspirations, but I’m afraid human race has almost no time left.
In German:
In Russian:
#deutsch #german #russian #ulitskaya #russia #aggression #imperialism #civilization #culture #art
A translation of the Early Middle High German Poem,
from the edition “Opitz’s Anno” by Graeme Dunphy.
#bavaria #armenia #ararat #german #deutsch #literature #quote
#nena #80ies #german #deutsch #musik #music #99-luftballons #99 #luftballons #1984 #երաժշտություն #գերմանական #գերմանիա #նենա #գերմանական֊երաժշտություն #հոլովակ #ութսունականներ #მუსიკა