i understand: using apple is like being in an unhealthy relationship with an abusive person. you cannot leave it because it’s so beautiful, but it keeps humiliating you. #apple #bdsm #freedom
դինամիկ տիրոյթի կախուածութիւնն իսո֊ից։ #ֆոտո
#photography #dynamic_range #chart
NSA tools to hack macs https://wikileaks.org/vault7/darkmatter/document/
it looks like those tools have been developed by the NSA. so it is not obvious if Apple have participated in that process at all. also these tools are somehow outdated. #wikileaks #apple #nsa #sonic_screwdriver (this is an allusion to dr. who) #seapea #nightskies #triton #derstarke #efi
two years ago i had a post about the project of the new apple campus. this is a drone video footage of how it goes so far.
#apple #campus #architecture #city #work #workplace
accidentally found very old blog post with talk:
— do you know about inotify?
— what’s that?
— when you change a file it notifies…
— notifies Jobs about that change?
#apple #inotify #talk
through the Apple Music subscription, which I had, Apple now deletes files from its users’ computers. When I signed up for Apple Music, iTunes evaluated my massive collection of Mp3s and WAV files, scanned Apple’s database for what it considered matches, then removed the original files from my internal hard drive. REMOVED them. Deleted. If Apple Music saw a file it didn’t recognize—which came up often, since I’m a freelance composer and have many music files that I created myself—it would then download it to Apple’s database, delete it from my hard drive, and serve it back to me when I wanted to listen, just like it would with my other music files it had deleted.
#apple #music
why doesn’t graphics on ios lag as much? apparently, it’s because when you put the finger on the screen, it stops every process, except of a couple of important system services. even if you run a browser, and you put finger on screen, it stops unless you raise the finger.
android, on the contrary, tries to divide resources between processes.
this is why we often notice lags on android, and this is why ios seems to work smoothly. we cannot say - faster. it’s not faster, because other processes don’t even work for some time. it’s responsive, and looks faster to the user.
well, at least, this is why it’s often happens, when android user cannot call, or answer the call, while the same situation is not very much common in case of ios.
#android ios #google #apple #programming #operating_systems #scheduler #priority
apparently today software in order to be competitive, must be not only good, but also free and / or open.
software for software developers.
microsoft and apple probably got wind of that, and opening c# and swift compilers followed.
however, developers differ from the “regular user” and they let’s say developed and obtained more needs than they realized ten years ago.
will come a day, when this “regular user” will have a need to use free and/or open software, therefore software producers in order to be more competitive will have to free/open their software? i don’t know. i don’t know.
i don’t know.
#free-software #free_software #need #market #economy #competition #c_sharp #swift #microsoft #apple #freedom
not marked on osm.
#gmaps #map #tbilisi #apple #store #screenshot #fake #image
#retro #computer #computers #room #panorama #photo #vectrex #next #apple #lisa #mac #emate300 #ti_cc40 #amiga #amiga2000 #hp9000 #acorn #acorn_archimedes #das_keyboard #happy_hacikng_keyboard #yoda #nintendo #nintendo64 #nuon #atari #atari_jaguar #dreamcast #playstation #apple_IIgs #tandy #gamecube #sega #nintendo_ds #atari_520st #apple_IIe #ultima #trs-80 #apple_IIc #amiga1000 #newton_mp200 #newton #retro_computing #retro-computing #history #space_invader
The way they write functional programs for decidedly non-functional problems is through a trick called a monad, which I will not explain and nobody understands anyway, but the point is, in the hands of a very clever programmer, functional programming “can” be used in many more places than you would naively expect.
And that is really the problem. It works at first and then it keeps working until suddenly it doesn’t. And this
communismfunctionalism spreads ideologically until yourcountrycodebase is saddled with debt and nobody can bail you out because you have a lot of monads and nobody can understand them.
#structs #classes #functional_programming #imperative_programming #programming #monads #apple #siwft #programming_languages #software #development #design
Why I’m Saying Goodbye to Apple, Google and Microsoft
I’m putting more trust in communities than corporations
via @{dolphin ; dolphin@spyurk.am}
#apple #google #microsoft #gnu #linux #cyanogenmod #free-software #freedom #software #communities #corporations
already 7 million views http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znK652H6yQM
#apple #test #iphone #video #quality #design
Ikea Parodied Apple’s Product Ads To Promote Its New Catalog
#ikea #apple #idea #ads #catalog
#apple #campus #architecture #city #work #workplace
this is an amazing story about writing software at #apple http://www.pacifict.com/Story/
We got resources that would never have been available to us had we been on the payroll. For example, at that time only about two hundred PowerPC chips existed in the world. Most of those at Apple were being used by the hardware design engineers. Only a few dozen coveted PowerPC machines were even available in System Software for people working on the operating system. We had two. Engineers would come to our offices at midnight and practically slip machines under the door. One said, “Officially, this machine doesn’t exist, you didn’t get it from me, and I don’t know you. Make sure it doesn’t leave the building.”
Greg was lurking outside one day, trying to act casual, when another engineer accosted him and said, “I’m sick and tired of you guys loitering in front of the building every day!” Later he phoned the appropriate bureaucrats on our behalf. I listened to his side of the conversation for twenty minutes: “No, there is no PO, because we’re not paying them. No, there is no contract, because they are not contractors. No, they are not employees; we have no intention of hiring them. Yes, they must have building access because they are shipping code on our box. No, we don’t have a PO number. There is no PO, because we’re not paying them.” Finally, he wore them down. They said to use the standard form to apply for badges, but to cross out Contractor and write in Vendor. Where it asked for a PO number, we were to use the magic words “No dollar contract.” We got badges the next day. They were orange Vendor badges, the same kind the people working in the cafeteria, watering the plants, and fixing the photocopy machines had.
#Graphing-Calculator #powerpc #programming #software #development #skunkworks #clandestine #motivation
that’s my #native machine code. I was able to disassemble nmos #6502 machine code by glance. (: I could also disassemble intel 8080, but it wasn’t native (:
@{ Մուլտիվակ Multivac* ; satenik@spyurk.am} Երք 14 Հնվ 2014 08:34:59 AMT
nice #blog, source #code in #movies (:
In the #film #Terminator, the HUD shows a listing of 6502 assembly language which appears to have been taken from an #Apple II.
The Full Story of #Nokia and #Microsoft - How we got here, and why Microsoft will fail with Nokia handsets just like it did with Kin http://communities-dominate.blogs.com/brands/2013/09/the-full-story-of-nokia-and-microsoft-how-we-got-here-and-why-microsoft-will-fail-with-nokia-handset.html
Ok the news is out. I told you literally two years ago, that the Windows Phone strategy would be the death of Nokia’s handset business, and today we have the final nail in that coffin. I honestly, truly with my hand on my heart, hoped this day would never come, and that my prediction would be seen as wrong. But unfortunately I was correct (once again). I do tend to know this industry. And I was the first to tell you, on this blog, that Nokia’s handset business just died. I told you when it happend, and more importantly, I told you why it died. It didn’t die with the crazy Burning Platforms memo, nor with the announcement of Microsoft Windows Phone either. So this is my (first) full epitaph to Nokia. And we have to have a bit of history. (Long blog warning - this runs 12,000 words, so get yourself a cup of coffee, this will take about half an hour
#mobile #phone #smartphone #elop #elop-effect #tomi #tomi-ahonen #communities #brands #handset #maemo #symbian #meego #lumia #windows #intel #fremantle #n900 #n9 #n950 #iphone #apple #samsung #internet #operating-systems
#Michael-SpanoApple and Teacup #2003 #art #photography #photo #apple #teacup #ֆոտո #արվեստ #խնձոր #բաժակ
i think we have the right to know, if we choose, exactly what the technology is doing and how
so closed systems like windows and mac, i feel they abuse my rights and insult my intelligence
i give many thanks to the creators of open source operating systems and applications, without them i may not even be aware that i have rights :)
#rights #human-rights #freedom #free-software #windows #apple #macos #abuse
http://www.slashgear.com/apple-ipad-why-the-stylus-isnt-dead-0884799/ #stylus #finger #apple #ipad A stylus has come to be seen as an apology for a bad UI, a way of making undersized or tricky on-screen controls accessible when fingertips won’t cut it. Ironically we’ve lost sight of the stylus as a legitimate input method in it’s own right; ironic because while in computing the pen is seen as niche – the domain of artists and the unenlightened – in the real world there are many more people who can write than can type.
Депутат Костунов сказал: «самый тупой депутат умнее среднестатистического гражданина». На Костунова накинулись, всё ему припомнили: и что единоросс, и что «нашист», комиссар Селигера. Он с перепугу извинился…
А за что извиняться? Депутатский ум и должен быть выше нашего среднего. Мы (граждане) разбавлены грудными младенцами, сумасшедшими, алкашами, наркоманами. А среди депутатов нет грудных; это точно.
Вот если бы Костунов сказал про честность: мол, самый жуликоватый депутат честнее, чем среднестатистический гражданин… Но он этого не сказал, не додумался. http://www.mk.ru/daily/newspaper/article/2012/11/14/774352-im-luchshe-molchat-chem-govorit.html http://echo.msk.ru/pda/blog/minkin/951347-echo/ #медведев #путин #костунов #президент #выборы #оговорки #nokia #apple #iphone #сколково #россия #финляндия #russia #finland #putin #medvedev #obama
#ebook #drm #e-book #epub #kindle #apple
Does this sound ridiculous, a perverse #fantasy of some balkanized #Web of the #dystopian #future? Nope: it’s all true, except that my #laptop is actually an #iPad and my #browser is #iTunes / #iBooks.
On the Web, the very idea that the right to read a website would vary from country to country seems patently absurd. #Cyberspace is flat, after all, just computers talking to computers. You, the reader, do not need to concern yourself with where these electrons on your screen are coming from, and neither do I, their publisher, need to care where they are going. And when somebody attempts to artificially block those #electrons — say, #China and its #Great-Firewall — it’s the kind of the thing that the #US #Congress and the #World Trade Organization get worked up about
#update #windows #mac #microsoft #apple #linux #gnu #updates #os
Глава Apple Тим Кук опубликовал вчера на сайте компании покаянное письмо к пользователям iOS6. В нём он признаётся, что совместный картографический продукт #Apple и #TomTom, которым компания заменила привычные карты Гугла, является говном на палке, и просит прощения у пользователей за причинённые страдания (frustration). Одно утешение — читатели этого #ЖЖ о предстоящей замене гуглокарт говном на палке были предупреждены заранее. http://dolboeb.livejournal.com/2393543.html