աստուա՛տ, իրենք դա արել են։ #ֆոտո պէտք ա վսկօ֊ին հիմա քոլոր չեքեր տալ ու ռեւերս ինջինիր անել։
@{ petapixel (unofficial) ; petapixel@spyurk.am} 15.09.2020, 20:31:37
VSCO Went Full MacGyver to Create an Authentic Kodachome Film Simulation
Last month, VSCO achieved a years-old dream of releasing a preset/filter that was based on Kodak’s iconic “Kodachrome” film stock. But creating the KC25 preset was anything but easy. In fact, it involved custom chemicals, custom hardware, and two years of experimentation to get this one right.
You see, when the folks at VSCO (formerly “Visual Supply Co.") set out to create one of their film simulations, they usually start with the actual film. Just one problem: the last roll of Kodachrome was processed in 2010, one year before VSCO was founded.
“We had made some eyeballed attempts based on historical film scans, but releasing a film preset that wasn’t built from real film didn’t meet our quality standards,” explains Kyle Hale, Senior Product Operations Specialist at VSCO, in a blog post titled Reviving Kodachrome. “Thus, the desire to find a way to create a digital version of Kodachrome from developed Kodachrome film remained dormant in our minds.”
Then, in 2017, the mad scientists in the VSCO lab decided to pick up some expired Kodachrome off of eBay, throw it in their fridge, and begin the long and arduous process of re-creating the developing process in-house.
VSCO’s film fridge. Image by Zach Hodges
The main challenge with recreating Kodachrome isn’t so much getting the film itself, it’s the incredibly complex developing process involved in turning the film—which is actually a black and white emulsion—into the final product that produced such iconic and strikingly colorful shots as Steve McCurry’s Afghan Girl.
“The process to develop Kodachrome, known as K-14, involved approximately 14 steps to develop the film,” explains Hale. “This process was comparable to how an inkjet printer applies cyan, yellow, and magenta dyes to a piece of paper to form a final color image.”
Since the exact chemicals used in the K-14 process are no longer in production, VSCO had to create them in-house. What’s more, they had to develop a detailed, automatic, and consistent process by which to test their work so that they could iterate their way to success.
“Progress was slow and tedious, as each run of a small strip of film took hours to process by hand in the dark,” says Hale. “Because of the myriad of variables, we were only able to run about 10 tests a week.”
Measuring custom chemicals to make cyan, yellow, and magenta developers. Image by Zach Hodges
Initial tests “fell flat,” explains Hale. As mentioned above, the process is incredibly complicated and their first attempts produced images with low contrast and poor density in the film. But, as time went on and their formulas improved, so did their results.
“After months and months of iterations in our experiments and roll after roll of Kodachrome developing, we finally achieved results for Kodachrome that we were proud of,” writes Hale. “We achieved acceptable film density (Dmin and Dmax), acceptable overall color balance, and consistent results on the same batch of film.”
You can see the final results below—from dye tests, to the final product:
Kodachrome after the cyan and yellow layers have been added. Image by Kyle Hale
Progress and comparisons of VSCO developed Kodachrome test strips. Image by Kyle Hale
Verification chart shot on Kodachrome. Image by Kyle Hale
This is how VSCO ultimately achieved many a photographer’s dream: they can now successfully process Kodachrome film. It’s also how, 10 years after the last roll of Kodachrome was developed, the company was able to release its “KC25” preset based on actual Kodachrome that they actually developed in house.
To the uninitiated, two years of tinkering, creating custom chemicals, and building custom hardware might seem like a lot to go through in order to create a film preset. But when it comes to a film as iconic as Kodachrome, there really is no other way. Kudos to VSCO for doing something awesome.
Image credits : All photos used courtesy of VSCO.
#features #35mmfilm #analogphotography #behindthescenes #bts #chemicals #developing #digitalphotography #diy #doityourself #filmphotography #filmpreset #filmsimulation #kodachrome #kodachromesimulation #story #vsco posted by pod_feeder_v2
էս անտառի նկարը շատ սիրուն ա։ #անտառ #ժապաւէն #ֆոտո կրկին՝ սովորական ինստաքսով դա չի լինի։ սա հոնգկոնգցի տղայի նախագծած եւ արտադրած լաւ ոսպնեակով խցիկով ա արուած։
@{ fstoppers (unofficial) ; fstoppers@spyurk.am} 5/11/2020, 10:33:29 PM
Instant Film Is More Meaningful Than Digital Photography
#filmphotography #fstoppersoriginals #opinion posted by pod_feeder_v2
#ժապաւէն #ժամկէտնանց #թայբէյ #ֆոտո #փողոց
@{ Katie shoots film (unofficial) ; curatingcuteness@spyurk.am} 5/11/2020, 4:03:12 PM
As Seen in An Alleyway / 264.
Fujifilm Superia X-TRA 400 (expired), Nikon FM
#filmphotography #asseeninanalleyway #expiredfilm #fujifilmsuperiaxtra400 #nikonfm #taipei #taiwan posted by pod_feeder_v2
#ժապաւէն #ժամկէտնանց #ֆոտո
@{ Katie shoots film (unofficial) ; curatingcuteness@spyurk.am} 5/5/2020, 4:03:21 PM
As Seen in An Alleyway / 263.
The last image is a faux panorama fixed post-processing, one of the really fun things you can do with a half frame camera.
Fujifilm Superia 200 (expired), Olympus Pen D3
#filmphotography #asseeninanalleyway #expiredfilm #fujifilmsuperia200 #halfframe #olympuspend3 #taipei #taiwan posted by pod_feeder_v2
#բոյս #ֆոտո #ժապաւէն #կեանք
@{ Katie shoots film (unofficial) ; curatingcuteness@spyurk.am} 5/2/2020, 4:03:18 PM
Peeping Out.
Fujicolor Industrial 100 業務記錄用, Nikon FM
#filmphotography #flowers #fujicolorindustrial100 #nikonfm #singapore posted by pod_feeder_v2
#ֆոտո #ժապաւէն
@{ Katie shoots film (unofficial) ; curatingcuteness@spyurk.am} 4/30/2020, 4:03:27 PM
In My Hands.
Konica Centuria Super 400 (expired),Vivitar 220/SL
Kodak UltraMax 400 (expired), Pentax K1000
Kodak ColorPlus 200 , Mamiya/Sekor 500TL
#filmphotography #expiredfilm #kodakcolorplus200 #kodakultramax400 #konicacenturiasuper400 #mamiyasekor500tl #pentaxk1000 #taipei #taiwan #vivitar220sl posted by pod_feeder_v2
#թայբէյ #թայւան #թայուան #ֆոտո #ժապաւէն #փողոծ
@{ Katie shoots film (unofficial) ; curatingcuteness@spyurk.am} 4/24/2020, 4:01:06 PM
Friendly Warnings.
Ferrania Solaris 800 (expired), Pentax K1000
#filmphotography #expiredfilm #ferraniasolaris800 #pentaxk1000 #taipei #taiwan posted by pod_feeder_v2
#ժապաւէն #ֆոտո
@{ filtergrade (unofficial) ; filtergrade@spyurk.am} 4/22/2020, 3:02:56 AM
Fujifilm Fujicolor C200 Film Stock Review
When it comes to daylight film, you can probably think of a ton of the top of your head, but what about a daylight film that is also cost-effective and extremely versatile? Fujicolor C200 should be one of the top film stocks that comes to mind. Designed as an easy-to-use film stock for all photographers shooting in daylight or indoors with flash, this film stock is the perfect way to break into film photography to learn more about daylight film while not breaking the bank! Today I’ll be going over some of the benefits and features of C200, so without any further ado, let’s get into the Fujifilm Fujicolor C200 film stock review.
Photo: Matt Moloney
Fujifilm Fujicolor C200
Like I had mentioned in the introduction, Fujicolor C200 is a color negative 35mm film stock that is created for daylight use, but also works really well indoors with flash. This film stock includes the new Super Uniform Fine Grain Technology to achieve high image quality when printing on Fujicolor photo papers. Some photographers have said that, “There’s nothing special about C200…It’s an entirely nondescript, unglamorous film that simply does the job it’s required to do – render images on film.(CasualPhotophile)” However, I disagree - I think this film is really well-made and captures daylight better than Kodak Gold 200 or Portra 160. Let’s go over some of the features and benefits and you’ll see why. (Source: Fujicolor C200)
Fujicolor C200 is one of the most advanced daylight film stocks and has many features that set it apart amongst other film stocks:
Excellent Grain Quality…………………………………………….. Fine grain film, providing no loss of image quality even in large prints.
Wide Exposure Latitude……………………………………………. Stable, clear results in a wide variety of settings.
Excellent Skin Color Reproduction…………………………….. Smooth, natural skin tones for portraits.
Professional Sharpness……………………………………………… Extremely sharp depiction of all aspects of the subject, from overall form to texture details.
(Source: Fujifilm C200)
Because Fujicolor 200 is a daylight film stock with fine grain it’s a really versatile film stock that you can use in almost any situation. In addition to this, many users have even said that it’s capabilities go beyond being versatile at 200 ISO. Photographers that use C200 a lot have said that for their preference, shooting C200 at box speed seemed dull and lacked color, but pushing the film speed to 400 or 800 helped create more contrast and deeper, more vivid colors.
Now, I’ve heard of pushing/pulling film before, but often times I either forget to try it, or I just haven’t shot that certain film stock enough to know what it looks like at box speed just from looking at it. This is one of those cases where I have’t shot that many rolls of Fujicolor C200, maybe only 5-10, and I’d prefer to know what the film stock is intended to look like before I try out pushing/pulling (unless I’m in a setting that requires pushing/pulling). Regardless, having a film stock that not only performs at multiple speeds, but perform really well, or even better, is absolutely incredible!
Another benefit of this film stock is that it can be processed with CN-16 of C-41 processing methods. This allows you ease-of-development as most film labs and stores still use these methods!
The last key benefit that we have for this film, and probably the most important to myself and many of you - the price. This film stock is one of the most affordable 35mm film stocks on the market, going for $3-$5 usually, which means it is a great film to start out with when you’re learning and also great for when you have a shoot where you’re going to need a lot of photos, but may not have a huge budget. Having a versatile film that’s also cheap is always fun because it helps you work around things like budget and # of photos.
For more, see the gallery below:
»> Buy Fujifilm Fujicolor C200 HERE «<
We hope you enjoyed this film stock review - if you have any questions or thoughts about Fujifilm Fujicolor C200, feel free to leave a comment below or reach out to me on Instagram @matt_moloney.
Keep Reading:
Film Stock Review: Kodak Portra 400 vs. Kodak Portra 800
Free Film Strips PNG Overlays
Film Stock Review: Fuji Superia 800 vs. Kodak Portra 800
Ilford HP5 Plus Film Stock Review
Super 8 Test Footage Using the Canon Canosound 514 XL-S
Kodak Gold 200 Film Stock Review
Kodak EKTAR 100 Film Stock Review
Agfa Vista 400 Film Stock Review
Ilford XP2 Super Film Stock Review
Kodacolor 200 Film Stock Review
The Top 10 Color Negative 35mm Film Stocks
5 Tips for Shooting Super 8 Film
Top 10 Black & White Negative 35mm Film Stocks
Ilford Delta 3200 Film Stock Review
Fujicolor Superia X-TRA 400 Film Stock Review
18 of the Best Super 8 Transitions, Borders, & Textures for Videographers
The post Fujifilm Fujicolor C200 Film Stock Review appeared first on FilterGrade.
#filmphotography #photography #productreviews #c200 #color #colornegative #colornegativefilm #daylight #exposure #film #filmstock #filmstockreview #fujicolor #fujifilm #latitude #mattmoloney #negative #review #vivid posted by pod_feeder_v2
#սրճարան #ֆոտո #ժապաւէն #աղջիկ #թայւան #թայբէյ
@{ Katie shoots film (unofficial) ; curatingcuteness@spyurk.am} 4/14/2020, 4:03:08 PM
Lazy Day Café.
Ferrania Solaris 400 (expired), Nikon FM
#filmphotography #curatingcafes #expiredfilm #ferraniasolaris400 #friendsonfilm #nikonfm #tainan #taiwan posted by pod_feeder_v2
#մոտո #պատ #ստուեր #թայբէյ #թայպէյ #թայւան #ֆոտո #ժապաւէն #ժամկէտնանց
@{ Katie shoots film (unofficial) ; curatingcuteness@spyurk.am} 4/9/2020, 4:33:19 PM
On The Wall.
Fujifilm Superia X-TRA 400 (expired), [Olympus Mju II_](http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&pub=5575359500&toolid=10001&campid=5338236964&customid=nikonfm&mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dm570.l1313%26_nkw%3Dnikon%2Bfm%26_sacat%3D0%26LH_TitleDesc%3D0%26_osacat%3D0%26_odkw%3DOlympus%2Bmju%2Bii)_
#filmphotography #expiredfilm #fujifilmsuperiaxtra400 #olympusmjuii #taipei #taiwan posted by pod_feeder_v2
ես անմիջապէս ճանաչեցի որ fuji industrial ա։ (: #բեռլին #ժապաւէն #ֆոտո
@{ Katie shoots film (unofficial) ; curatingcuteness@spyurk.am} 29/03/2020, 16:03:10
Cafe Wintergarten in Literaturhaus Berlin.
Fujicolor Industrial 100 業務記錄用, Nikon FM
#filmphotography #berlin #curatingcafes #friendsonfilm #fujicolorindustrial100 #germany #nikonfm posted by pod_feeder_v2
#ֆոտո #սուրճ #ժամկէտնանց #ժապաւէն
@{ Katie shoots film (unofficial) ; curatingcuteness@spyurk.am} 26/03/2020, 16:03:14
Columbus Coffee Co.
Fujicolor 100 (expired), Nikon FM
#filmphotography #curatingcafes #expiredfilm #fujicolor100 #nikonfm #singapore posted by pod_feeder_v2
#ֆոտո #ժապաւէն
@{ Katie shoots film (unofficial) ; curatingcuteness@spyurk.am} 22/03/2020, 16:04:37
Old Things.
Konica Centuria Super 400 (expired), Minolta SR-T 101
Konica Centuria Super 400 (expired), Pentax K1000
#filmphotography #expiredfilm #konicacenturiasuper400 #minoltasrt101 #pentaxk1000 #selfieonfilm #taipei #taiwan posted by pod_feeder_v2
#ֆոտո #ժապաւէն
@{ Katie shoots film (unofficial) ; curatingcuteness@spyurk.am} 18/03/2020, 16:03:03
As Seen in An Alleyway / 255.
More than two years ago, I loaded a roll of Fomapan 100 Classic in my then newly acquired Canon Demi - as evidenced in a post dated back to December 2017 - which I’ve unsurprisingly only just finished with and developed.
Although I’m much more pleased with how this camera pairs with black and white film instead of color, the same problems persist in my exasperation with zone focusing. Either the camera the camera does not work at its shortest focal length or I’m just incredibly bad at it. Also, note to self: stop hoping that photos don’t turn out blurry at 1/30.
In any case, I’m actually still rather eager to run a few more rolls through it - color negative again next.
Fomapan 100 Classic, Canon Demi
#filmphotography #asseeninanalleyway #blackandwhite #canondemi #fomapan100classic #halfframe #taipei #taiwan posted by pod_feeder_v2
#հոնգ_կոնգ #հոնգկոնգ #ֆոտո #ժապաւէն
@{ Katie shoots film (unofficial) ; curatingcuteness@spyurk.am} 14/03/2020, 16:03:05
Hong Kong Cuisine.
Fujicolor C200, Nikon FM
#filmphotography #food #fujicolorc200 #nikonfm #taipei #taiwan posted by pod_feeder_v2
#ժապաւէն #ֆոտո #ամառ
@{ Katie shoots film (unofficial) ; curatingcuteness@spyurk.am} 3/13/2020, 4:03:03 PM
Summer Tote.
Kodak Ektar 100 (expired), Nikon FM
#filmphotography #expiredfilm #handmade #kodakektar100 #nikonfm #taipei #taiwan posted by pod_feeder_v2
#ֆոտո #ժապաւէն
@{ Katie shoots film (unofficial) ; curatingcuteness@spyurk.am} 3/6/2020, 4:04:38 PM
As Seen in An Alleyway / 253.
Agfacolor 200 (expired),Nikon FM
#filmphotography #agfacolor200 #asseeninanalleyway #expiredfilm #nikonfm #taipei #taiwan posted by pod_feeder_v2
#ֆոտո #թայբէյ #թայպէյ #քաղաք
@{ Katie shoots film (unofficial) ; curatingcuteness@spyurk.am} 3/5/2020, 4:33:09 PM
Taipei in Black and White.
Fomapan 200 Creative , Minolta SR-T 101
#filmphotography #blackandwhite #fomapan200creative #minoltasrt101 #taipei #taiwan posted by pod_feeder_v2
սա այդ նոյն դէյւիդ բըրնեթն ա, ում խօսքերը ես ժապաւէնում մէջբերել եմ։ #ֆոտո #ժապաւէն
@{ kosmo foto ; kosmofoto@spyurk.am} 15/11/2019, 16:32:37
Veteran photographer David Burnett shoots Trump impeachment hearings on large format
#analogueculture #analoguelifestyle #news #davidburnett #filmphotography #largeformat posted by pod_feeder_v2
գրառման մէջ մի նկար կայ, որ ասում ա, դժգոհ ա լուսաւորութիւնից։
ասեմ՝ ինչի ա մութ ստացուել իր ուզածից։
զի խցիկի լուսաչափին ա հաւատացել, զի սփոթ միթերինգ չունէր, իսկ կադրի միջին լուսաւորութիւնը բաւական բարձր էր երկնքի պատճառով։ ու նոյնիսկ եթէ նա անէր exposure compensation պլիւս երկու ստոպ, կարող ա չհերիքէր իրեն, զի երկինքը շատ աւելի լուսաւոր կարող էր լինել։
ու նա պէտք ա հէնց ներքեւում չափէր, յետոյ գցէր բռնէր թէ ինչպէս ա նկարում։
կամ էլ իրականում արժի զոն համակարգի մասին ադամսի գիրքը կարդալ, բաւական պարզ ա ու ոչ երկար։
ու տէնց։
@{ analogcafe@spyurk.am ; analogcafe@spyurk.am} 14/11/2019, 11:02:33
The Monobath Experience: Developing Kodak Tri-X With CineStill Df96
#filmphotography posted by pod_feeder_v2
he compares kodak color 200, cheapest kodak consumer film with the high end samsung device.
well, actually the camera matters too, in a way how it calculates exposure.
#film #kodak_color_200 #kodak #samsung #comparison #filmphotography
so i had an experience with expired (in 1991) fujichrome 50, and all the shots look overexposed by one-twe stops. after some research i found out that:
Negative films fog darker with age (or temperature), as grains get thermally, chemically, or cosmic ray exposed. Negative films have a large exposure latitude, so you can increase exposure to get above the fog.
Reversal films fog lighter with age. That is why photos may look overexposed. But they don’t have the large exposure latitude, so you can’t increase exposure to get above the fog. You are squeezed between fog and the top of the curve.
#photography #slide #reversal #negative #positive #fujichrome #film #filmphotography #expired
lori, fioletovo, may 2013, kodak cft, mamiya-ze2 with 50mm f1.7 lens. i have no idea why i did not publish this photo before. may be i did not consider it to be good enough for publishing back then, and now my taste has changed and i can appreciate it more.
#armenia #lori #fioletovo #kodak-cft #kodakcft #film #filmphotography #landscape #village
good morning. i decided to publish some very old shots. this one was never published. i also find myself liking the quality of the lab scanner, which i did not like before. i guess i’ll publish today several photos, unedited, out of scanner files.
still life with sunflower seeds, neo freerunner phone and debian cds. may 2013. shot with mamiya-ze2 on kodak cft film. #stilllife #openmoko #neofreerunner #debian #kodak-cft #morning #film #filmphotography