my friend, from Artsakh writes:
I’m a school teacher in Karvachar, a small town heavily destroyed by war. For me it’s very important to make this place better for youth, to create place where they can spend their free time with benefits for themselves. And also - that will be the place where people can read and discuss their favorite books.
see more at
please contribute. it’s important.
#artsakh #armenia #karvachar #book #library #cafe #campaign #war #development #literacy
When you know how to use console, it’s like when you talk to the computer. You actually write to the computer.
When you only know how to use mouse, it’s like when you don’t know the language and try to explain something with gestures.
Computer is tought to understand some gestures, but you cannot explain everything this way, without text.
(expressed by @{imandes (իմանդէս) ;} when I have showed him some of console power)
#literacy #computers #talk #computer #gestures #speak #language #text #console