I know these three guys, who are making that game. One programmer, Bagrat Dabaghian, who have been written also a rendering engine which is used in the game(codes 16 hours per day), one artist(don’t know him well actually) and one composer - Serge (nice one, always liked his works).
it will be first available for iOS and PC/Windows then for Android. #shadowmatic #game #armenia #programming #art #app #ios #android #pc #windows #graphics #render #3d #room #shadow #shadows #games #yerevan #bargat-dabaghian #elkony #el-kony #bagrat-dabaghian #game-making #rendering
Author of the program I have been written about here has this fun software too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MAi5ob-LhU
#android #app #software #music #sound #tracker #retro #8bit #pixelart #art
this app uses ANS synthesizer՝ musical instument, which Yevgeni Murzin designed in1937֊1957 years
#android #ANS #app #software #music #audio #recorder #paper
via @{sense ∇ ; sense@diasp.org}
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4LWaOsWY_E #MelodiQ - #Music #Recognition #App for #Freerunner #openmoko #qt #qtmoko source https://github.com/Sektor/melodiq