մարդիկ կան, ունեն երեւակայական #ընկեր, իսկ ես ունեմ երեւակայական #թերափեւթ (people sometimes have imaginary #friends, however I have imaginary #therapist) #therapy #ուտենց
#Մեջբերում #հոգեբան ի ու 16-ամյա աղջկա #զրույց ից՝ #թերպիա յի ժամանակ։
#Therapist: – Have you ever read the #bible?
Girl: – Isn’t that like illegal for you to ask me that?
Therapist: – Not really. It’s really just a subject like any other. You can choose to #talk about it or not. Anyway, in the new #testament #God is always portrayed as being #good and #wickedness and #evil is a #human thing, a human problem.Actually, it’s one of the things that’s helped christianity to spread very quickly. Can you… Can you think why?
Girl: – Because #people like to feel shitty about themselves?
Therapist: - That’s it. Exactly. We prefer to# live in a world where God is #good and man is #bad rather than a world where God is bad. So an evil #authority, an unfair# government, neglectful #parents– That’s a pretty scary #concept. Makes your whole #life seem kind of scary and meaningless. It is one of the reasons why children will blame themselves before their parents.
#therapy #psychology #religion #bible #obey #in-treatment