don’t feed the #gooks says this in #russian #Translation - I kept the style and mistakes, I cannot write such an illiterate text, I mean even I cannot write such an illiterate and senseless text in English, while it’s not my language, and this guy managed to do it in his native Russian:
ինձ արդեն ոչ միայն #տեղացի -ները, այլ եւ #զբոսաշրջիկներ ն են զբոսաշրջիկի տեղ դնում։
#Երեւան #ուտենց #քաղաք #փողոց #omgwtf
some time ago (years) I have hacked and converted #lingvo #dictionaries to #stardict format. so I use them sometimes. This is what I found there today. #omgwtf #lost-in-translation #russian #discrimination #hate #hate-speech #sprachregelung #social-contract #xenophobia