
I always use “bindist” USE flag in my #Gentoo installations. That’s why my #chromium was not able to play #h264 videos - this codec is used by #vimeo. H264 support also have been removed from #chrome and #mozilla #firefox won’t support it, as it is non-free. Also, binary builds of chromium in #Debion cannot be done with #h264 support because then those #binaries won’t be redistributable. And it seems the only way to watch #vimeo in #browser is to build non-redistributable #chromium yourself. Of course, Gentoo simplifies this task enormously. Also, this is yet another example of how #open-source differs from #free-software, obviously. I forgot to mention that #flash is not an option for me.

բնօրինակ սփիւռքում(եւ մեկնաբանութիւննե՞ր)

պիտակներ՝ Gentoo  chromium  h264  vimeo  chrome  mozilla  firefox  Debion  h264  binaries  vimeo  browser  chromium  open-source  free-software  flash