մեջբերում մի քիչ իմանալու մասին

ինչքան սրտովս է գրված մեյլ լիստի այս հատվածը՝

Enigmail is a glue between separate Applications — GnuPG and Mozilla Mail.

It was *designed* that way, as a proof that one could do it.

Enigmail is – I fully agree with you on that – far away from end user friendly

in the sense of an iPhone (“anyone can use it without ever having read any


But ask yourself: take a person that has never heard of the concept of Email.

Is there *any* program today that would lead a completely unexperienced user

to the point that he/she is able to use Email? OK, maybe Windows Mail? Well,

yes, if it’s OK to end up with a hotmail account. Given that the mail provider

shall be a certain trusted IMAPS provider (the analogy to that it shall be

OpenPGP, not S/MIME or other proprietary solutions which ARE easier to handle

and integrate), then NO program out there will help the user to set up the

account and add all server/login details into the configuration.

To cut long story short: if a user wants privacy, he must (to some extent)

learn about basic concepts (e.g. that he only can send encrypted if he has

the RECEIPIENT’s key etc.).


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