Ահա, Շարունակվում է՝
<blockquote style="border: 2px solid rgb(127, 195, 59); padding: 10pt;
<p> margin-left: 30pt; background-color: #a6df6d;">
<br /> I am very curious to learn about other cultures. And that does not make me non Armenian.<br /> There is no connection between cultural similarity and successful coexistence.<br /> There is a connection between eagerness, greediness and unsuccessful coexistence.<br /> So, I need to repeat: article says that two nations need to coexist because they are the same. And this is wrong. You cannot achieve peace by basing it on the wrong knowledge, thus fragile basement.<br /> I agree that we can coexist, if we learn to respect each other, and appreciate difference and diversity.<br /> Because people are different. In generally. At any layer: nation, profession, cleverness, color, taste, etc, etc…<br /> It is much more rational to accept that people are different and in spite of that are able to coexist and make friends, rather than outline, that they are similar, and that’s why they need to coexist.<br /> People are never similar, and still they coexist. I would also say, people exist because of diversity. At least, diversity in genes, which leads us to a stronger population. </p>