This modules are for DATA TRANSLATION's DT3155, high-accurancy monochrome PCI bus Frame Grabber. Operating as a Bus Master on a high- speed PCI bus, the DT3155 transfers images continuously, in real time, to the system monitor for display or to system memory for storage. I write this module by using Hardware Technical Reference for DT3155 V1.10 and source program written in C for DOS, which can be found in Data Translation'web site "". These modules are working for me but for you may not. If you find any errors or have any commends please do not hesisate to contact me "". Included files: dt3155.Text : Hardware Technical Document for DT3155. Originally it was a WinWord document which I convertet to Text. DT3155drv.Mod: Driver module Acquire.Mod : Test program for card. Necati Ecevit