#!/bin/csh # POWERoberon installation script # mmb 2.4.92 / 2.11.93 if (-e POWERoberon.4.1.tar.Z) then uncompress POWERoberon.4.1.tar.Z tar -xf POWERoberon.4.1.tar ld -H512 -T512 -o oberon -s -bhalt:4 oberon.obj -lc -lm -lX11 else echo You have to put the files you fetched into the current directory. exit endif if (-e POWERoberon.fonts.tar.Z) then uncompress POWERoberon.fonts.tar.Z tar -xf POWERoberon.fonts.tar echo Do not forget to install the Oberon fonts as X-Windows fonts. echo See FontToBDF.Tool for instructions. endif if (-e POWERoberon.4.1.Paint.tar.Z) then uncompress POWERoberon.4.1.Paint.tar.Z tar -xf POWERoberon.4.1.Paint.tar endif if (-e POWERoberon.4.1.Kepler.tar.Z) then uncompress POWERoberon.4.1.Kepler.tar.Z tar -xf POWERoberon.4.1.Kepler.tar endif echo POWERoberon is now ready to be run. echo Make sure that the current directory is included in your search path PATH. echo Then type 'oberon' to execute. echo ------------------------------ echo If the installation succeded, you can remove the following files to echo free up disk space: echo POWERoberon.4.1.tar echo POWERoberon.fonts.tar echo POWERoberon.4.1.Paint.tar echo POWERoberon.4.1.Kepler.tar echo README echo oberon.install echo oberon.obj echo